Sunday, November 29, 2009
60th Post!!
I have had ALOT of memorable conversations with various people. But of course the most memorable of the list of memorable ones will consist of you telling someone something they should not know.
Jan "There is no such thing as taking risk, guys dont take risk when it come to girls, they do something cause they know they can.."
If you are a guy and you have seen The Ugly Truth, you pretty much can tell any girl out there that every single thing Mike Chadway said about guys are the truth..
If you are a girl and you have seen The Ugly Truth, you will pretty much go into denial like Abby Richter..
If you haven't seen The Ugly Truth, you really should watch the movie.....freak..
On a seperate note, the shit I said up there, if you are a guy and you disagree with me..let me ask you this few questions
1) When was the last time you went after a girl knowing you CAN'T get her??
We guys are capable of distinguishing between;
- a girl we know we SURELY will not look at / consider
- a girl we know we SURELY can get
- a girl we know we like / really like
- a girl we know will SURELY be a challange
- a girl we know will SURELY be a conquest
- a girl we know will SURELY be out of our league don't give me that crap about you NOT agreeing with me about what was said up there..
2) When was the last time you taken advantage of a situation when you KNOW the girl is in a vulnerable stage?
3) When was the last time you wanted to hi-jack another dudes GF, just by acting the opposite of the boy friend??
All your answers to the questions above will be...deep down inside..'cause I know..'
and if you are a girl and you disagree with me, then I also would like to ask you this few questions..
1) Ever made it easy for the guy??
Much like question 1 for the guys, when you make it easy..WE WILL KNOW..
2) Ever sit down and expect a guy to do something, and he doesn't do it??
You want something done, either you hint profusely..or you just tell us, cause like what was said up there, we do something cause we know we can, we hardly do anything when we have no baseline of what is going on
But at the end of the day, guys will know I am telling the truth, but girls will still deny it cause..they just plainly dont wanna believe what is being said..
Even with such guidance, girls reading this will not believe me,
Sunday, November 8, 2009
59th Post!!
Saw a quote recently,
'You can't be in the game without a goal' = this is actually so fucking true..
Randomness 2
Well after that there was another time which reminded me of the first time (just the disappointment part)..and I was sad because it has flashes of the first time...then as it goes on it just dawn on me...I was just dissatisfied..I really wasnt sad at all.. -.-
I laughed..and I wasn't dissatisfied anymore thereafter..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
im my own grandpa~
Guy Lombardo
Now many many years ago when I was twenty-three
I was married to a widow who was pretty as can be
This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red
My father fell in love with her and soon they too were wed
Oh I'm my own grandpa
I'm my own granpa
It sounds funny I know,
But it really is so
Oh I'm my own grandpa
This made my dad my son-in-law and changed my very life
My daughter was my mother 'cause she was my father's wife
To complicate the matter even though it brought me joy
I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy
My little baby then became a brother-in-law to Dad
And so became my uncle, though it made me very sad
For if he was my uncle, then that also made him br'ther
Of the widow's grown-up daughter who was also my stepmother
Father's wife then had a son who kept them on the run
And he became my grandchild, for he was my daughter's son
My wife is now my mother's mother and it makes me blue
Because altho' she is my wife, she's my grandmother too
Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I'm her grandchild
And every time I think of it, it nearly drives me wild
For now I have become the strangest case I ever saw
As husband of my grandmother, I am my own grandpa
Saturday, October 24, 2009
58th Post!!
A messiah complex is a state of mind in which the individual believes he/she is, or is destined to become, a savior. Many, although not all, people who have a so-called messiah complex often are suffering from some form of schizophrenia.
In this case of course, the definition up there is not necessary. In this case, we would just define Messiah Complex as someone that just cannot turn down a distress call.

On screen, Wilson always seems to be the person with all the answers to House's whims and always know what do to or tell House, but when it comes to himself being in a limbo, he usually can't help himself, even if it is the simplest thing.
Another good example is Hank Azaria in his short lived TV Series Huff, a fucked up shrink that knows what to tell others, but not himself.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
57th Post!!
New favourite song
From what I know this song was specifically writen for Transformers 2..but the meaning behind the lyrics seems deeper than the movie itself..
Sunday, October 4, 2009
56th Post!!
Just saw He's Just Not That into You not too long ago, chick flick or not, I gotta admit, its a pretty damn good movie. The writing was great and the acting was even better, minus Scarlett Johansson (cause I feel her acting is bad)
I cant put the Youtube video here..but this is my favourite scene..
and my favourite part of my favourite scene
What a line..
'You're my exception'
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
55th Post!!

This move up here is called 'The Morgan', it came from TV series Chuck. The reasoning behind this move was that, back then Morgan was always picked on by girls, and he protected the two things he felt are the most important before he got hit, the face and the crotch, but as for the sissy pose, I dont have a reasoning for that..
But as for what this post is about, all said and done..The Morgan up there is essentially for pussies. You are so scared to face the fact that you curl up like that and avoid getting hit. I would admit that I did 'The Morgan' before cause I was too afraid of change and looking back at it probably that would be one mistake I might just have to take to the grave with me -.-
Is really getting hit worse than curling yourself up to make that sissy pose? Of course I know its not, and how long/many more times you can do that pose until you regret?? People believe third time is the charm..I believe ONE time is enough..
Sunday, September 27, 2009
54th Post!!
I was watching Chuck over the weekend and I came about a very interesting word;
The word is Schnook, and the layman's term, it means someone that is always victimised.
And on the same day, as I was watching my beloved below average Liverpool maul Hull City, I came about another intersting set of words;
Aura of Inevitability, which speaks for itself.
Ever came across any individuals, that has this 'Please Bully Me', 'Please Victimised Me' tag on their forehead? Just take a second to be honest with yourself, ALL of us has bump into one and ALL of us has taken advantage or has bully one, unless of course if YOU are a Schnook then you won't know what I am talking about.
On the other hand, ever came across any individuals that has this aura about them, some form of greatness, intimidation and mutual respect for? Those are the people with Aura of Inevitability.
...and of course there are those normal people, which either bullies and victimised the Schnooks and respects those with the Aura of Inevitabilty. Let me give you a simple example which I believer speaks for itself;
In Football;
Schnooks - Darren Fletcher, Paul Scholes, Jamie Carragher, Ryan Babel, Nicklas Bendtner, Salomon Kalou & Steve McLaren
If you know how they look like, just take a moment to think if you would mess with them if you are a senior or a bigger star than them or equals..
Aura of Inevitability - Fernando Torres, Steven Gerrard, Wayne Rooney, Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard, John Terry, Cesc Fabregas & Fabio Capello
They are the stars of the English games, having to face them sometimes there will only be one out come, you will lose and because they bear the aura with them, before anything you lose half the battle already.
Another simpler example close to home, lets take a look at our 4th and 5th Prime Minister, who between the two you think is the Schnook and the Aura bearer..
The final example will be the male characters of Friends, 2 Schnooks and an Aura bearer.
The world is cruel, so if you are a Schnook, you are not getting out of there, if you are an Aura bearer, you will lose it and down graded to be a normal person. So at the end of the day, if you are a fucking Schnook you WILL forever be a Schnook.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
53rd Post!!
let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
it was translated to BM..and the output..
mari kita bersenang-senang, menewaskan ini sakit
Saya ingin menumpnag kayu disco anda
So I took the liberty of testing it out..and I tried translate the entire Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me..
Anda berada di telefon dengan pacar
Dia marah.
Dia akan pergi tentang sesuatu yang anda katakan
'Cuz dia tidak mendapatkan humor seperti yang saya lakukan ...
Aku sedang di dalam bilik
Ini tipikal Selasa malam
Aku sedang mendengar jenis muzik dia tidak suka
Dan dia tidak akan pernah tahu cerita anda seperti yang saya lakukan '
Tapi dia memakai rok pendek
Aku mengenakan T-shirt
Dia menghibur kapten
Dan aku di bangku-bangku
Bermimpi tentang hari ketika anda bangun
Dan mendapati bahawa apa yang anda cari sudah ada di sini sepanjang waktu
Jika anda bisa melihat bahawa akulah yang mengerti anda
Di sini sepanjang jadi mengapa tidak boleh anda lihat
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Berjalan di jalan-jalan dengan anda dan anda usang jins
Aku tidak bisa berfikir ini ialah bagaimana seharusnya
Tertawa di bangku taman, berfikir untuk diri sendiri
Hei tidak mudah ini
Dan kau punya senyum yang dapat menerangi seluruh bandar
Aku tidak melihatnya dalam beberapa waktu kerana dia membawa anda ke
Anda berkata baik-baik saja anda
Aku tahu kau lebih baik maka
Hei Whatcha lakukan dengan seorang gadis seperti itu
Dia memakai sepatu hak tinggi
Aku pakai sepatu kets
Dia bersorak kapten dan aku di bangku
Bermimpi tentang hari ketika anda bangun
Dan mendapati bahawa apa yang anda cari sudah ada di sini sepanjang waktu
Jika anda bisa melihat bahawa akulah yang mengerti anda
Di sini sepanjang jadi mengapa tidak boleh anda lihat
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Berdiri dan menunggu di pintu belakang anda
Selama ini bagaimana kau bisa tidak tahu
Baby ...
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Oh '
Aku ingat kau sopir ke rumah saya di tengah malam
Akulah yang membuatmu tertawa
Apabila anda tahu anda tentang menangis
Dan aku tahu lagu kegemaran anda
Dan kau ceritakan tentang impian anda
Kurasa aku tahu di mana anda berada
Saya rasa saya tahu itu dengan saya ...
Tidak boleh melihat bahawa akulah yang mengerti anda
Di sini selama
Jadi kenapa tidak bisa anda lihat
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Berdiri dan menunggu di pintu belakang anda
Selama ini
Bagaimana kau bisa tidak tahu
Bayi anda termasuk dengan saya
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Pernahkah anda berfikir hanya mungkin
Anda termasuk dengan saya
Anda berpadanan dengan
Anda termasuk dengan saya ...
52nd Post!!
I am pretty sure everyone has their weak moments before, a moment you feel so weak that you become vulnerable and more often than not do something that you will regret later on.
Had an episode of that few days back and did something which of course I regret thereafter. I guess the bad part about my slip up was that it was not meant for the person I actually showed it to.
Let me hero sing you a song..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
51st Post!!
A very strong feeling of loss looms..
Friday, September 11, 2009
Need For Speed, Need For Attention [Part 006]
J.K lies motionless on the bed staring blankly into the ceiling, looking beat, lifeless and dark eye lids around him making it obvious he has not rest in days, he sighs and closes his eyes
Rich Aunty appears infront of him and appears to be making out with J.K
J.K gets off the bed in shock and quickly ran to the rest room
J.K goes to the toilet bowl and pukes, right after he breaths heavily, he flushes and gets to his feet. He moves towards the mirror and looks at himself. He turns on the tap and washes his face, he takes a look at himself again and the reflection seems to have a life of its own
400 horses..
J.K nods to his own halucination
Moments later, Hinder - Get Stoned starts playing, J.K responds and exits the rest room
He approaches the bed and watches his Iphone rings, as he looks on chills run through his spine.
J.K lies under the comforter, equipped with a facial expression as though he just got raped, not far away, Rich Aunty is putting back on her clothes. She turns around and cathes J.K looking at her. J.K looks away.
She crawls on the bed towards J.K and hugs him. J.K freezes in disgust, she kisses him all over
You made my toes curl just now..
So are you now..
Rich Aunty laughs and gets off the bed, J.K's freezing motion comes to an end. She goes to her handbag. She takes out her Iphone and makes a call
Ahmad come get me from Shangri-La..
She hangs up, and starts removing the sim card from the phone
I saw a destroyed Iphone in the toilet just now..
I take it that it is yours..
She tosses her Iphone to the bed,
you can have mine boy..I got another
3 of it at home..
She reaches in her handbag again to take out a cheque book and approaches a small table to write, she tears off the cheque and leaves it at the table, she walks toward the door thereafter as J.K watches on
You wanna kiss mummy goodbye??
J.K blows her a flying kiss in reluctance and Rich Aunty leaves the room with a smile of satisfaction. She halts and then take another sharp look at J.K
You want your car?? Right??
J.K nods in agreement like a little puppy
then you are going to have to see me
more often...the cheque is a guarantee
that I am not fucking with you
She then leaves. The moment the door closes, J.K gets off the bed, puts on his boxers back on and runs towards the table where the cheque is on, he picks up the cheque and his eyes glow. The cheque states there 'RM 15,000'. He then takes a quick look at the Iphone still lying on the bed
J.K snaps out of his imagination and continues looking at the phone, it is Rich Aunty calling, he ignores the call. When the phone stops ringing, he then makes a call
Hi D..wanna follow me to the work shop??
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Need For Speed, Need For Attention [Part 005]
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Need For Speed, Need For Attention [Part 004]
J.E and R.L sits at the hall of J'S house, both staring blankly into a 40 inch LCD TV with Transformers running on the screen
No, no, no, no, no, no... Hey! That's my car!.....Hello?
911 emergency. My car's been stolen!
Imagine J calls the police to tell that his car
engine exploded..he would have went.. 'No, no, no, no, no, no...
Hey! That's my car!.....hello mummy?? my car engine exploded!!!
Don't tell him I laughed!
J.E turns his attention towards the stairs
How Long has he been in the toilet??
Chills run through their spines and they both rush up the stairs, into J and R.L's room
They rush to the rest room door and J starts banging on the door
(raises voice)
Dear...are you alright??
J.E bangs on the door
Hey!! fucking answer man!
The toilet door opens from the inside, looking like a zombie J walks out of the restroom only with a towel covering his private areas
AhH!! man!!
Not liking what he sees, J.E walks out of the room
Hey take care of that piece, I am out of here..
Okay..thanks J..
J.E shows himself to the door,
J.E walks out of the porch to his white Peugeot 308, and drives off
J and an unknown guy are sitting at their usual table outside of the restaurant. The guy is W.H, 25, plum, fair and confident
I can hook you up with easy money man,
if you really want it fast, but the trade
off for it..(disgusted)um......
Sounds scary..but I am not tell it
to me..
You heard about those lonely wife of rich men??
Yeah..those rich high ranking people's wife..
If you can stomach having sex with them..they
will pay you ALOT of money man..
or you can go for the slower version..take them out for
shopping..they reward you with Ralph Lauren or CK or whatever
and give you a small token of appreciation...of maybe 200 bucks,
you bang them ONE least 10 times the return..and if you
can make them cum..and they request a revisit..that would be at
least 10k session everytime..(bragging) how you think I got my
3 Series?? I bang that old cougar till she asked me to stop..
and straight away she bought me a 3 series..(smirks)
J stands infront of the mirror half naked with a towel covering his private parts, he looks at himself
If I can make the old cougar cum I might just get
her to buy me a GTR..
J rubs his eyes
400 over fuckign horse powers..
As J was admiring how he thinks he might look in his dream car, noises from the rest room door, someone is banging on it
(raises voice)
Dear...are you alright??
J.E bangs on the door
Hey!! fucking answer man!
J washes his face
(points at the mirror to himself)
I'll make you cum you old bitch!
He then preps himself to look dejected again and opens the rest room door
AhH!! man!!
Not liking what he sees, J.E walks out of the room
Hey take care of that piece, I am out of here..
J.E walks out of the room and down the stairs.
Are you okay??
(sulking manner)
Leave me alone..
Hurt by the remark, R kisses J on the cheeks and leaves the room, J watches intently as R leaves the room and picks up his IPhone to make a call
(sulking manner)
Hey W.H...set me up, with the richest one...
YOU SERIOUS?? she is a tough cookie to handle man...
You are not me..
W.H, D, R and J are on their usual table
okay..let me know how it goes...
W.H hangs his mobile phone, and quickly turns his attention to the rest of the gang
J.K wants me to hook him up with a rich
old aunty...
His words catches everyone by surprised and they all laughs
Another man whore in the making...
He wants a 700,000 car, so W.H what is the criteria
to land something like that??
Fuck the same rich old lady and make sure she cums and
ask you to stop before you finish like few million times?
Can't believe J.K will be going down that path
W.H gets defensive
You see that white 325 Beamer there??
The gang continues their chat
J stands infront of the balcony door looking out to a view facing the entire KL City. Looking nervous and anxious he picks up his mobile phone and makes a call
Hey!! W.H!! where is that lady??
The door bell rings, J's heart nearly pops out of his mouth, in shock he hangs up and slowly moves to the door. He opens the room door and to his dismay he sees an old lady wearing a black spaghetti strap and a VERY short mini skiry, she is RICH AUNTY, late 50's, blonde hair, tan and scrawny
Are you J.K??
Rich Aunty pushes J.K into the room, she takes the 'Do Not Disturb' sign, puts in at the door knob and closes the door and locks every single lock there is on the door. J.K looks in fear as Rich Aunty approaches him.
She moves in closer and attempts to kiss J.K.
J.K. moves away and starts yelling, he moves closer to the bed and starts to compose himself
(mortified) good have gotta wait..
I might dry up dont keep me waiting too long
She reaches into her Gucci Handbag and takes out a bottle of lubricant and toss it to the bed. J.K could hardly believe what he sees and takes a deep breathe
Let me get comfortable..
He moves slowly to the restroom watching intently to Rich Aunty's every move and quickly goes into the restroom and locks the door
J.K nervously takes out his phone and makes a call
(Angry) (Softly)
W.H!!! she is appalling man!!! you fuck face!!
she is the richest and surely can give you 700k
Rich Aunty bangs on the door
(horny tone)(weird accent)
Don't keep me waiting..
W.H laughs over the phone
She sounds like Akasha~okay i gotta service
my client now..bye..
W.H hangs up and J.K tosses his Iphone in anger
Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!
(horny tone)(weird accent)
oh...say that one more timeeeeee
She continues banging the door
(horny tone)(weird accent)
I dont usually do this......begging for my toy
to come out of the toilet..
J braces himself..and opens the door, the moment he opens the door Rich Aunty jumps him like a tiger hunting its prey. J awkwardly removes her from her grasp and move away
(horny tone)(weird accent)
I like the way you are resisting me
Monday, August 10, 2009
Need For Speed, Need For Attention [Part 003]
At the corner of the room, was J, slumped almost lifelessly, except for the consistent blinking as his eyes adjusted to its new surrounding. He was a haggardly sight, unwashed for days, shirt caked with what looked like a mix of pizza and puke, with an empty bottle of Chivas in one hand, and a long burn out cigarette butt in the other. Drool (or puke, maybe) flowed freely from the corner of his lips, and you could see the confusion on his face as he tried to recognize the person in front of him.
"You look like shit man. What the fuck is wrong with you man?"
J squinted again, trying to focus hard. "Jay Fee? Ish dat you man? Itsh been afile.."
"Awhile?You've been fucking missing for two weeks man. If it wasn't because of your girlfriend calling us for help, we would've just thought you were caught up with work or something. What happened?" said J.E., with a genuinely concerned look plastered on his face.
"Vat do you min by vat hap-... happe.. happened? Me ok. See? Alifee..' replied J, thumping his chest like he was King Kong.
"You are such a fucking mess man. Come on now, let's get you cleaned up right now. R.L., give me a hand here, ok? Let's drag this deadbeat to the washroom.." said J.E. as he took J's hand and slung it over his shoulder. J burped loudly as J.E. did this, releasing a stench worse than the ninth level of hell. J.E. stuttered for a moment, trying to control the nausea building up within him, before lifting J to his feet. R.L. grabbed the other hand, trying to lift J up, but J just couldn't stand on his two feet. Slowly, they just dragged him towards the washroom, all 70kgs of lifelessness.
Dragging a whole gunny sack of rice would've been easier than this, thought J.E. as he made his way to the washroom. An evil thought flashed in J.E.'s mind. Well, I could make the most out of this and end up with some very entertaining photos while cleaning him up. And J.E. grinned as he approached the washroom. This will be entertaining. Heh.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Need For Speed, Need For Attention [Part 002]
J and his bunch of friends are sitting down in an overly crowded 24 hours restaunrant, with J leading the talk on the table it is quite obvious from a far, everyone is listening because they have to and not because they want to
I dusted the 206..and then my car failed me..
A chinese guy in a weird looking spectacles next to him speaks, he is D, 25, fair, overweight, arrogant and smart. lost??
(defensive) car failed me...
you know in F1..if your car breaks default you lose..
yeah..but I did NOT is like Lin Dan fighting some
unseeded asshole, if Lin Dan twist his ankle, he cant play
anymore..but that doesn't mean Lin Dan lost..
Indian Guy next to D speaks, he is R, 25, lean, always have an opinion
So you comparing your car to Lin Dan?? if Lin Dan was
a car in badminton he would have been a you
cannot use him as an example..let me see (thinks) your EVO
is very likely ONLY Jalani Sidek in badminton terms
Fug you man!! my car is at least Lee Chong Wei!! (turns to D)
your car is the Jalani Sidek in badminton terms and (turns to R)
your car is the court cleaner in badminton!!
The lively table takes a moment of awkward silence, a guy next to R speaks, he is J.E. 25, lean, ignorant
yes and my car is the badminton court, but why cant
you just take the lost as a lost..but then again..why would
you race a 206?? its a no contest...
that he ends up losing..
what a shame..
J.E, R and D laughs, J zones out..
J is in a curled up position on a bed in a barely lit room crying
my EVO 6.5
J cries lauder and turns to his pillow for comfort
Back at the restaurant
Well laugh all you car can beat any of your cars
even without trying
That is a given like how MU beat Malaysia 2-0 few days back..
no contest..
No..there will be a contest..I will give you all abit of chance first..
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Need For Speed, Need For Attention [Part 001]
Friday, July 3, 2009
50th Post!!
Over the years, I have always wonder what determine who wears the pants in the relationship (the person in control). Its it that ALL girls have complete control over her partner cause people seem to think that girls are naturally gonna gain the advantage in a relationship, which to a certain extend..of course it is true..
I read this on an article online; she said 'it depends on the personality, who has the stronger character, if the guy is laid back and the girl is not..naturally she will gain control but if she is the submissive kind the guy will assume control naturally.'
I agree with her. I do have a case study but just not good to mention it over here.
This is my take on how someone lose or gain control..
1) it depends on how into her you are..which also boils down to how hard was it to hit on her..if she make it SO hard for will be chasing harder and harder and when you finally get willl do almost anything to please her..
2) how into you she is..and whether or not you know it..
guys have the tendency to take advantage of a relationship at times knowing the fact that the girls likes him more than he likes her, I know cause I did it before..
This is one quote which I saw on the net..
'In order for a relationship to work the guy must love the girl alot and try not to understand her at all..and the girl must love the guy a little and understand him alot'
This post dont really make sense..but I am glad i am back!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
code monkey!
not too bad a song. quite a catchy tune. cant say much for the vocals but yea. lol.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Neil Patrick Harris @ The Tony Awards
It has always been my greatest of opinions that NPH is one of the best performers around, from the days of Doogie Howser, to him playing himself on Harold and Kumar, to HIMYM and Dr Horrible. This just tops it up.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

MMO, release window: 2010
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
however we all know that theres a science to it all in the end. haha..
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
how often do you meet the right person..
make it count.
be a man.
do the right thing.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sing along!
Tot el camp
Ă©s un clam
som la gent blau-grana
tant se val d´on venim,
si del sud o del nord,
ara estem d´acord,
estem d´acord
una bandera ens agermana:
blau-grana al vent,
un crit valent,
tenim un nom,
el sap tothom:
Barça! Barça! Baaarça!
tots units fem força:
sĂ³n molts anys plens d´afanys,
sĂ³n molts gols que hem cridat,
i s´ha demostrat, s´ha demostrat,
que mai ningĂº no ens podrĂ tĂ³rcer:
Blau-grana al vent,
un crit valent,
tenim un nom,
el sap tothom:
Barça! Barça! Baaarça!
A clamor rises
from the pitch
We’re the blue and claret people
Makes no difference where we hail from
Whether it’s from the south or the north
Now we all agree
we all agree,
One flag unites us in brotherhood
Blue and claret flowing in the wind
One valiant cry
We’ve got a name
that everyone knows:
Barça! Barça! Baaarça!
United we are strong
So much glory through the years
Oh, the many goals we’ve cheered
And it has been proven, it has been proven
That no one can break us
Blue and claret flowing in the wind,
One valiant cry
We’ve got a name
that everyone knows:
Barça! Barça! Baaarça!
Friday, May 22, 2009
photoshop our bad memories.. lol..
utada's back. i wonder if this song is about her ex-husband?
theres a part in the song that sounds sooo jpop... only its in english and it takes a little getting used to. but i like it. yum.
emo. ):
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
49th Post!!

Its fair to say that all Malaysian dread for the moment he opens his mouth as all you will hear is shit or shit or shit or SHIT..or SHIT or nonsense that don't make sense, I only remember agreeing with him for the rest of the time..I was hoping that John Dykes will take a gun out and blow his head away.
This would be a few facts of Shebby 'The Man' Singh..
1) He won EVERY domestic honour there are to win for a Malaysian footballer, he is also a South East Asian Games gold medalist for class of 1989
2) His real name is Serbgeth Singh
3) He is a cock fuck pundit on ESPN
4) He always ALWAYS say "John"
5) Whole of Malaysia thinks he is an idiot, though the idiocy Jamie Reeves, Paul Masefield and the rest of people there are always up for debate, but he (Shebby) is the biggest IDIOT.
I never intended a post dedicated to talking about an idiot like him, but he wrote an article about Rafa Benitez on that really ticked me off.
On the day Liverpool lost 1-3 at Anfield to the Roman Blues, I gotta admit it was hard to swallow, we conceded 2 stupid goals, scored by the same idiot. It was painful to see, but here is my take on the game..Liverpool had an off day..and only the back 5 were playing football, there rest of the team weren't...and this is Shebby 'The Man' Singh's take..
He said Rafa's zonal marking failed, and its a defensive style for noobs,
Liverpool conceded 21 goals in 32 games.
Spurs conceded 36 goals in 32 games.
I guess whatever way Spurs is defending with gotta be more effective than Liverpool cause they conceded 15 goals more
He said he is not sure if Rafa is a top coach or a fat Spanish waiter
Rafa Benitez:
2 La Liga
1 Uefa Cup
1 Champions Leage
1 Fa Cup
Shebby Singh:
Coach of MY Team (Reality TV) and got nothing
You see Shebby..even if I were to put Rafa's worst achievement (Tenerife Promotion to LaLiga) up football coaching career couldn't even match it.
And since you are so verbal of your attack on Rafa then please let me add..not being racist but if he can go on saying 'is Rafa a top coach or a Fat Spanish Waiter'..then I will say, 'Is Shebby a pundit or a Stupid Punjabi Pundit.'
Here are some of his most famous Live TV moments;
1) Gerrard best position for England is Right Back
Sometimes I truly believe that ESPN script you to be the one getting the heat by the fans and fellow pundits..but if the program is not scripted, then you are the biggest fucking idiot in the world..Gerrard as right might as well say that David James' best position is to be a striker cause he is strong and Peter Crouch as a defender cause he is tall. Fucking idiot.
2) Half time and Full time at 2005 Champions League (Liverpool down 3-0 and Liverpool winning the the CL later..)
The Idiot talk ALL sort of shit and smack about how big an idiot Liverpool is and when they won he is ALL praise for them for being unbelievable..I gotta admit I lose faith too when they were down 3-0, but talking about a team the manner in which you spoke about is just down right disrespectful..and how you turn the tides when they won it was just pure idiocy. Fucking idiot.
3) Praising Juande Ramos to take his beloved Spurs to the next leve and losing faith there after
All said up are a cock fuck.
4) Arguing with Steve McMahon
Both of you are shit, but you (Shebby) are shit-tier than him by virtue of being an idiot.
I am done ranting, but I think you should reconsider your job and move on to something that suits you more..talking shit and not offending people, you might do good as a stand up comedian..
Saturday, April 4, 2009
48th Post!!
ABC has came out with a few mega hit TV show over the past year, shows like Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and etc..glad and sadden to say this shows are still on going. Started off with a bang but its somewhat crappy now..especially the show really is LOST..
..and so in 2008, ABC picked up a pilot of Life On Mars, which of course used to be a hit British TV series..much like NBC's The Office.
The show stars Jason O'Mara, Harvey Keitel and the former New Jersey DiMeo family mobster Michael Imperiolli..its a shame that the show only made it for one season due to the lack of viewers, but then can you determined the "no" viewers based on some research company basing it on a few thousand fellas (although they do it very frequently..I still think its crap)
The show wrapped up after 17 episodes very cleanly and neat according to an atricle I read online..This show is memorable for alot of funny reasons..they came out with jokes like this
How do you know that Jesus is black??
'He likes the cosmic..he calls everybody brada..and even he couldn't get a fair trial'
Hunt "You couldn't find sand even if you slid off a camel"
Carling "I will crawl through half a mile of broken glass just to kiss the last man who sucked her toes"
Pretty damn impressive jokes for a drama..
its also a real shame that so many great shows limp or get cancelled because of bad ratings..just because an average American cant understand the joke or the concept; shows like
1) Arrested Development (Cancelled after 3 seasons of limping)
2) Scrubs (after limping on NBC season after season now in ABC for its final season)
3) 30 Rock (Lack of viewers every single episodes but sweeping TV awards like no tomorrow)
4) Life (great concept but lack viewers)
5) Life On Mars
6) Day Break (Cancelled)
7) The Inside
8) In Justice
I would prefer that any of this 8 shows survive than to see Meredith and McDreamy drama on Grey's anytime of the day, or how lost Lost is in translating the show to the viewers or how 4 almost 200 years old combined, housewives struggling with life, or how the flowchart in House works..
Patient get sick --> get sicker--> get better --> get seriously sick --> House come out with idea --> Patient is cured
..even if all this show actually do make it pass the 5 seasons many will be, Frasier, NYPD Blue, The Shield, Sopranos..maybe House will but the rest dont stand a fucking chance. So to my American friends...please get a little smarter and get shows like Heroes..and 4 camera comedy out of the TV screen and start being smarter by watching more single camera comedy..with no "HA HA HA HA" assist.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Earth Hour 2009
(10:58:56) jan - me
(10:59:06) derek: seriouslehhh?
Posting this up as PROOF
Which I will use to back up my camera when I am at Jan's house at 9PM. Hoho.
Save the earth, turn off your lights
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
47th Post!!
...and so I went for the screening of Dragon Ball Evolution (DBE), without expecting much I went into the cinema with a smile cause I somehow sense that the movie was gonna be bad shit..
Again..I don't make movies, I don't know how to make movies..we will get back to this later..
Dragon Ball is one of the best manga / comic that ever made it out of Japan, with such iconic characters like Goku, Vegeta and etc etc..with such a heavy burden on the shoulder those Americans making the movie had to live up to the heavy expectations.
They casted a white guy to play an Asian character (Goku)..remember the white Chun Li on the previous post?? but I was fine with it, the made Picollo looked like a Halloween costume..I was still fine with it..they made the so called Capsule Corp gadget looked like Transformers..I was fine with it..they casted a white girl as Bulma..I was fine with it..they gave the stupid Yamcha role to some Asian American..I was fine with it..
But what I was not fine with is the way the movie was presented..fair enough the acting was bad..apart from Chow Yun Fatt who played Master Roshi to perfection..
I was telling you all how bad Chun Li was..but at least Chun Li had a flow to it..they showed A to Z...the flow of DBE is like;
Start---A---G----M----B----Y----F----X---Y---The End
The movie actually made Chun Li looked did not help with that Kamehameha, so ugly..and when He (Goku) was seem as though he had a bad cast of constipation..
Even this shit is better..SERIOUSLY..
The only thing DBE was better compared to is this..
But do support the movie not support sure in hell do not want to be seen by your friends with a pirated copy DVD of DBE..
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Calvin... just Calvin
But recently, I came across a fan-made creation, which would've actually qualified as a finale for Calvin and Hobbes. One which would spark riots in every country where Calvin and Hobbes was syndicated, and tear-jerked every reader. For a character we are so attached with, this is really heart tearing. So if you still cherish that memory, you might wanna skip below. Otherwise.. cry your heart out.

I warned you.
If I Were A Boy
If I were a boy
Even just for a day
Id roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
Id kick with who I wanted
And I'd never get confonted for it
Cause theyd stick up for me.
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear Id be a better man.
Id listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause hes taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy
I would just turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
So they think that I was sleeping alone
Id put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that shed be faithful
Waitin for me to come home
Its a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake
Think Id forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong
But youre just a boy
You dont understand (Yeah you dont understand)
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man
You dont listen to her
You dont care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause youve taken her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But youre just a boy
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
46th Post
I don't know how to make movies..I don't make movies..nor have I been in a set of a movie, but for the first time in many years, a movie actually made me thought to myself that I wasted 1 1/2 hours of my life.
The movie is Legend of Chun Li..
in addition to casting an Asian girl (Chinese) role (Chun Li) into white (Kristen Kreuk), they manage to make the movie so memorable for being bad that I actually think the original Street Fighter was better..the little girl called Chun Li started the movie as an she grow 2 or 3 years older..she became a white girl -.-
The movie can be made in a 45 minutes flick if the minus all the draggy horse shit and stupid narration..the plot of the movie..
Daddy got kidnapped ---> I want revenge ---> I grew up (becoming white in the process from Asian) ---> Got my revenge
To summarise how the movie actually looked..
It looked like that..and when Chun Li did her "helicopter kick" my balls nearly fell off and it looked similar to this..
Good job people!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Unleash the whirlwind of our Wrath, Our Guns Never Tire, We have Beaten back the Foe.... Sent them Running
"My people. Sons and daughters of Helghan.... For many years, we have been a broken nation... Shunned, oppressed, and conquered by those we sought to escape. ...Ten years ago, I asked for time, and that time was granted by you. You, the strength in my arm, the holders of my dreams.... Our forefathers embarked on the greatest exodus in the history of all mankind... An exodus for freedom. Helghan became that freedom... Our new world changed our bodies. At first, it weakened us, but in fact, we were growing... stronger. In the time you have given me, I have rebuilt our nation, I have rebuilt our strength, and I have rebuilt our pride!... Our enemies at home have been re-educated. We have given them new insights into our cause. On this day, we stand united once more. On this day, those driven to divide us will hear our voice! On this day, we shall act as one, and we shall be ignored NO MORE! Defenders of the Helghast dream, NOW IS OUR TIME!"
"My people... Sons and daughters of Helghan. This much I vow. The history of these days will be written in blood. By crushing the armies of our enemy, by seizing the weapons they thought to turn against us, we are fighting for our very existence. But if there are those who would deny us peace; refuse us our rightful place in the universe, then we will unleash such terrible vengeance that generations yet unborn will cry out in anguish![...]The enemy may shatter our bodies, but they cannot break our spirit. Even now they advance on our home world, to seize by force what they cannot claim by right. They cannot imagine what awaits them. WE WILL SMITE THE INVADERS FROM OUR SKIES. Though they sweep over our lands like the sands of winter; never again will we bow before them; never again endure their oppression; never again endure their tyranny. We will strike without warning and without mercy; fighting as one hand, one heart, one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares, drenching our ancestors' graves with their blood. And as our last breath tears at their lungs; as we rise again from the ruins of our cities... they will know, Helghan belongs to the Helghast."
Friday, February 27, 2009
45th Post!!
I was reading and they came out with an article about David Caruso, just incase if you are not sure who he is..he is the starring of CSI Miami, he used to be the starring of NYPD Blue in Season 1 only.
He is really quite a bad ass cop in both NYPD Blue and CSI Miami, he won the Golden Globes before in 1994 (I think) for his potrayal of Detective John Kelly, and then in the later years he will be Horatio Caine. Frankly, I am surprised he has not got an Emmy or a Golden Globes nomination for Play Horatio..cause his acting is good..and I honestly cant think of another person that can play the role better than him.
But his actions and corny ass one liners in CSI Miami can annoy ALOT of people..which includes me..a CSI Miami fan..
This was how summarised his actions on CSI Miami

Sunday, February 22, 2009
44th Post!!
1) It's not you it's me
Seriously, whenever we say this to you..we really mean it..nothing is wrong with you, but there are ALOT of problems with US!! We this..WE that..
It's a typical cliche break up line..but stop and think for might just end up figuring it to speak..
2) I have never lied to you
This is such a stupid line that the line itself is a lie, but there is an outside chance probably like 2% that we are telling the whenever we say that..don't IMMEDIATELY discount it as a lie
3) You're lying
If you ever get caught in a situation like that..chances are the guy knows you are lying..and since you all are such good liars..don't think we will always buy your bullshit..
You all can sense a lie 5 minutes before the lie is being told to you..but we know you are lying when you tell a lie..WE KNOW..................
4) "Um.." "Issit??" "Are you serious??" "Uh huh..." "Yeah..then??"
I am sure you all heard that a million times whenever you all run your mouth to tell us how your day went, whether its face to face or on the phone..of course those shit ass things that we said up there really give the impression that we are not interested nor do we care..
The truth is..we really don't give a fuck..we ARE listening anyway..but just because we are saying those things it doesn't mean that we are not paying attention..
5) "Nothing" "I am fine" "I don't wanna talk about it"
WE guys know you are NOT fine..and there is SOMETHING bothering and you REALLY WANNA talk about when you all utter those words. But when we say those things..90% of the time we are really fine.
When we say "Nothing" we don't wanna tell you cause chances are when we do tell you what the "Nothing" all will just say we are an asshole or disgusting or something..
When we say "I am fine" we really are fine..we are not scarred physically or emotionally..
When we say "I don't wanna talk about it"..we really don't wanna talk about it..we wanna move on.. :p
6) I don't know how to be your friend..
If a guy ever said that to really have no idea how much the guy actually likes you. Fair enough if you think that guy is not good enough for you cause your expectation is so freaking ass high..or you are just waiting for something there doesn't exist in this world.
I am bored..I will stop writing here..
Monday, February 16, 2009
43rd Post!!
Being humans we are just programmed not to be contented with what we have. When we are rich we strive for more money, and yada yada yada..Don't mean this as a racial slur (I am a Malay), but sometimes I do envy some of the Malays, as they are always happy with what they have. But I am just like any other human with the crappy nature of not being happy with what I have.
As time passes, I realised that the only way to be really happy is to actually take one day at a time..(its a personal opinion so feel free to disagree) By doing so, you actually learn to appreciate the amount of time you have in a day. I started doing this when I read the news some time back about one a young CEO or something..he was in the car with his driver going somewhere, went pass a construction yard some big ass rock fell on his car crushing him and only him as the rock fell on where he was sitting..nothing happened to the driver. (My deepest condolences to him)
Based on what I am saying I might seem like someone who don't look forward at is NOT true, I do look forward but I try not to plan too many things ahead, I will wanna see myself become a manager one day, own a house in 4 years and I stop there. Reason being I don't even know if I will live pass the next hour, I might just die in my sleep or after I finish putting up this post. Life is so fragile, is it worth it to put so many things ahead of you and then one day you just expire and not get shit out of what you see yourself to be??
I got pass the 'study hard and be someone one day' stage, so it doesn't apply to me anymore..For me its all about being happy NOW, nothing is more important than NOW. I forfeited NOW for UNCERTAINTY OF THE FUTURE once and I swear on my life I will never ever do it again.
So let me ask it really worth it to not be happy now because you feel there is something better for you sometime in the future and you are not sure when is your expiry??
Friday, February 13, 2009
One Liners
I'm the perfect girl.
I called in sick for you. Have fun at the game!
I love ninjas.
Wear whatever you want.
I'll try anything once.
Have fun drinking with your friends!
Here, you can have my food.
You are so right.
Sleep in as late as you want, I'll have breakfast ready.
I cleaned the game room.
Did you want me to wait outside?
I hooked up the surround sound!
See you in the morning!
I bought you the new PlayStation3.
I bought you some games for the PS3.
Do you think she's flirting with us?
I really love you watching play video games.
Happy birthday. I got you a monkey!
Just get drunk there, I'll come pick you up.
One-liners that some of you may never ever, ever hear from any self-respecting woman. And one-liners you would love to hear from your girl.
Blondie Quotes
Test Subject Four (My Blonde Friend) says:I suppose we can safely say and agree he truly deserves the title blonde for that reason alone. Why? Let see some very memorable quotes by Miss Simpson herself.
jessica i think i wont argue so much with u
First of all, would be the most famous one of all, which involves this....

“'Jessica, you want some buffalo wings?' 'Sorry I don't eat buffalo.'”True story, and no need to add anything to this.
The second, would be this...

“Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken by the Sea.'”Surely the term Chicken may be confusing to those of the lighter hair, but can't you tell the difference of Tuna and Chicken? And it comes from a friggin' can that says TUNA CHUNKS! And if you want to know why the COMPANY is called Chicken by the Sea..
In the early 1900s, the company wasn't known by its familiar fowl moniker and sold other foods in addition to tuna. But fortune shined on them when they became the first food company to can "light tuna." The mildly flavored fish became the company's trademark product, and its owners sought a catchier name for their canned fish. When asked about the flavor of the new light tuna, many customers remarked, "it tastes like chicken," -- so the company began to market the light tuna as "Chicken of the Sea." The ad campaign was so successful that the company eventually renamed itself after their famous slogan.
A few other quotes which might be of interest...
“On my first day of Jr. High I was in Geography class, and the teacher asked us if anybody knew the names of the continents. And I was sooo excited. I was like, Damnit! It's my first day of 7th grade, Im in jr high and i know this answer. So i raised my hand I was the first one and I said A-E-I-O-U!”In case anyone doesn't know, A-E-I-O-U are vowels, and 7th grade is the equivalent of Form 1 in Malaysia.
“Jessica: Ooh I love this scent.Nothing to add here.
Friend: What is it?
Jessica: Ah...oh, it's unscented.”
And one of my more favourite ones
“I think there's a difference between ditzy and dumb. Dumb is just not knowing. Ditzy is having the courage to ask!”
So now, prefering Jessica over Paris, do you consider it ditzy or dumb?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
42nd Post!!
Test Subject One (The Malay)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding
Okay this is actually me..many of my friends thought that I over rated myself..but its not true..if 1/5 in Knowledge is considered as stupid..what is -4 then???
The Bad Shit of Who We Are..

Well really..
The Okay/Good of Who We Are

Almost similar-ish, very dumb..full of expression and the only character that can understand anybody in the Manga
Full Retard Bonus Video
Ever since this clip was shown on Tropic Thunder, I had a friend that calls me Simple Jan, so I dont wanna attract negative attention from this post..thus I will just go ahead and shoot myself on the foot..I am the only one with this extra bonus video..HAPPY?
Test Subject Two (My Round Friend)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding
The Bad Shit of Who We Are..

Smart but stupid..he is one of the smart bad guys that I have seen on TV before..but somehow his lack of understanding of the Powerpuff Girls always make him lose..but then again its a cartoon and its meant to be..
The Okay/Good of Who We Are

What can I say..if you actually know him well enough..quite similar-ish to Dr House, he can be diligent about his own stuff but when it comes to others he has no patience to teach at all..
Test Subject Three (My "Italian" Friend)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding
The Bad Shit of Who We Are..

Expressionless, courageless and umm..whatever you see in the picture..
The Okay/Good of Who We Are
The awkward hero...
Test Subject Four (My Blonde Friend)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding
The Okay/Good of Who We Are
He really is like Joey..player..good looks..but compensated with lack of intelligence..for understanding..
The Bad Shit of Who We Are..

Paris Hilton
Know him long enough..he is also similar to her..lack of attention and smart as she is..umm..umm..
It was either Paris Hilton or Jessica
Sunday, February 8, 2009
41st Post!!
Persona 4 its a console closing game for PS2, this RPG is rather interesting as it brings ALOT of real life aspect in the game. One of the aspect I love most is developing your main character's "quality stats".
In Persona 4, there are 5 qualities you need to develop for non battle purposes
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding making all these qualities higher you can get to upgrade your social link, do and say certain things that you will not be able to if the qualities are not at a certain level
Then it got me thinking..if I was the Persona 4's main character how will my stats be??
This is how I am gonna rank the stats and my understanding of it through playing the game..(be mind full there are only level 1 to 5..1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest)
1) Knowledge
This "quality" is to ensure that you can unlock one of the social link and more importantly to get better grades in an exam
My Take
I am gonna judge this based on how our real life exam goes and our general knowledge.
2) Courage
This "quality" will make the main character do and say certain things, like if your courage is high enough you can actually hold Chie's hand in one of the scenes with her, ask Ai out...and skip class
My Take
This quality is gonna be judge based on how big our testicals really confident we are, our willingness to hit on a girl, our willingness to do certain things.
3) Diligence
This 'Quality' is to ensure that you can go fishing, considering the fishing game allows you to trade fishes for items you cant buy in the game...and those items are good shit items
My Take
This quality is gonna be judge based on how patient we are with the things we do..our ability to cope with repetitive work and duties
4) Expression
This 'Quality' is to ensure that you can lie and convince your way out of things through very convincing face expression..its also used to upgrade social links
My Take
This is our ability to lie and our facial expressions to tell people what we wanna say without saying a word..
5) Understanding
This 'Quality' is to unlock a social link and also be sensitive to all the girl characters in the game.
My Take
Our ability to understand jokes, and the people around us emotionally or through normal conversations
Test Subject One (The Malay)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding
Test Subject Two (My Round Friend)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding
Test Subject Three (My "Italian" Friend)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding
Test Subject Four (My Blonde Friend)
1) Knowledge
2) Courage
3) Diligence
4) Expression
5) Understanding