Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Sing along!

Tot el camp
és un clam

som la gent blau-grana
tant se val d´on venim,

si del sud o del nord,
ara estem d´acord,

estem d´acord
una bandera ens agermana:

blau-grana al vent,
un crit valent,

tenim un nom,
el sap tothom:

Barça! Barça! Baaarça!


tots units fem força:

són molts anys plens d´afanys,
són molts gols que hem cridat,

i s´ha demostrat, s´ha demostrat,
que mai ningú no ens podrà tórcer:

Blau-grana al vent,
un crit valent,

tenim un nom,
el sap tothom:

Barça! Barça! Baaarça!


A clamor rises
from the pitch

We’re the blue and claret people
Makes no difference where we hail from

Whether it’s from the south or the north
Now we all agree

we all agree,
One flag unites us in brotherhood

Blue and claret flowing in the wind
One valiant cry

We’ve got a name
that everyone knows:

Barça! Barça! Baaarça!


United we are strong

So much glory through the years
Oh, the many goals we’ve cheered

And it has been proven, it has been proven
That no one can break us

Blue and claret flowing in the wind,
One valiant cry

We’ve got a name
that everyone knows:

Barça! Barça! Baaarça!

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