This move up here is called 'The Morgan', it came from TV series Chuck. The reasoning behind this move was that, back then Morgan was always picked on by girls, and he protected the two things he felt are the most important before he got hit, the face and the crotch, but as for the sissy pose, I dont have a reasoning for that..
But as for what this post is about, all said and done..The Morgan up there is essentially for pussies. You are so scared to face the fact that you curl up like that and avoid getting hit. I would admit that I did 'The Morgan' before cause I was too afraid of change and looking back at it probably that would be one mistake I might just have to take to the grave with me -.-
Is really getting hit worse than curling yourself up to make that sissy pose? Of course I know its not, and how long/many more times you can do that pose until you regret?? People believe third time is the charm..I believe ONE time is enough..
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