Thursday, July 31, 2008
Skirt & Make-up
Before I begin anything, i just want to point out these two pointers which you have stressed it very specifically. The hint that you pointed out in the post stating that 'men experimenting skirts wearing and also no involvement towards heterosexual men and make-up. Well, basically my intention of writing this post is to point out these few facts that we girls have in privilege. No one's asking guys to try on skirts or wear make up. These two are a god-given privilege that are aimed for girls not for guys and we dare said we are proud of it. One of a kind quality that defines us as girls and you as guys. So, there you go... I am not putting on a challenge saying,' Look we girls wear skirts and make up. Can you?' I simply just point out some benefits that only we girls can get and not for guys. Get it?
And one more thing, quoted from derek 'With skirts, girls can't run, sit comfortably, squat or be on a higher ground, or windy place... and more. So what's the point of something which actually holds you back?' Well, it is holding us back why do you guys love so much seeing girls in skirts?? If ever we girls decide to wear pants wherever we go and do, would you guys really be ok with it?? a no-skirt rule... can you guys really really live with it? And to point out too that we girls CAN run, sit, squat and basically kick and punch guys asses with skirts. Don't believe? Go back, rent DVD of Charlie Angels and Kill Bill 1 and you tell me if ever that is possible.
Speaking about the 'make-up room', I can point out even MV has a make-up room in the Ladies. So not to say only posh places have make-up room in Ladies though it is true usually we can find them mostly at those places. And to add to the quote from derek again, 'Why would want to chit-chat in a place which is about to be stink bombed by someone who had too much cabbage and beans?' Guys, 'Air-freshener' hello? heard of it? And there is such thing as a divider between the make-up room and toilet. Ever wonder why girls smell so much better than guys?? It's called perfume. A toilet filled with air-freshener, perfume and some even put potted plants in the toilet, now tell me where are the sense of stinkiness comes from? Guys toilet maybe?
Radiator & Sanitary Pads
I would like to apologies for giving a link that isn't as relevant as I thought it is for this topic. My apologies. However the point that derek pointed out that boyfriends actually knows it as they buy it for the girlfriends is very true. But then this can also be applied for girls and cars. If we don't know about radiators and such and thus this is when Mr boyfriend comes in and save the day. No? It actually gives a chance to show how useful are you guys at such moment don't you think? Now, we girls... we wouldn't want to take such high & mighty responsibility away from guys. Guys are experts in cars and we shall just leave it that way. Oh and by the way, the link for the pad info... it's not useful AT ALL. Not at don't think of learning anything from the link.
'Yes, we are very happy to make you feel such great responsibility and giving u the feeling of carrying a life.' quoted from derek. Reading this doesn't it make sense that children tends to stick to their mothers rather than their fathers? And why we women will always fight for child custody rights no matter what... that's cause guys basically just stood there and stare when we women took on our responsible to provide them with a child. And added the 'Oh, and sorry for the pain.' this really gives shows how some guys will never be a good dad.
If it is true that men's way of pampering themselves is to get the latest gadgets or fancy automobile, that my friend is not self-pampering. That is basically an ego-stroking attempt. How so? Self-pampering is a definition where we basically do things that we enjoy and usually it is a 'me-time'. We are giving ourselves a 'me-time' for self-relaxation. As for your definition of buying gadgets and all, those are just attempts of buying something good and basically showing it to all your other friends so that you get praise, envy and awe by the crowd. That is a very 'ego-stroking' attempt. I don't understand how relaxing can it be if you guys are basically burning your wallets and destroying your health - drinking with friends. Funny way of relaxing and 'self-pampering' don't you think?
It is funny why IMS is brought up in this topic because, PMS is a regularity for girls and IMS is for men who is reaching their 40s-50s only. And if you guys are not aware, sometimes PMS can even lead to depression - for severe cases. So it really isn't something that is to be taken lightly of. 'Accept it like a man' he said lightly. If there ever have such possibility - which i doubt there will ever have such possibility but i will just blabber it anyway to let off my random outpour - let guys try even once experiencing period-cramps... then you can come and tell me to 'Accept it like a man'.
If only guys will put their situation in us, girls shoes before they speak anything so casually about it, then maybe we girls can respect and listen to half of the things you guys said. So guys, stay happy and dandy as long as you want to because having a world with pants-wearing, make-up-less, stinky, car-intellect, child-bearing-less and ego-seeking girls, I can't imagine how happy can your life really be. Hahahaha...
And how women misunderstand men...
She does make some excellent points, particularly in the line of ladies nights which still makes me bleed with envy of their privilege (I mean, everyone loves a free drink, right?), but otherwise, I think she may be slightly misinformed. So let's get started with no.1 on our list...
- Skirts
- Girls Room
- Sanitary Pads
- Child Bearing
- Self-pampering
- Make-up
- Do you want a job who hires for you just for your looks?
- Are you lack so much confidence in yourself that you need to depend only on looks to get a job?
- Ladies Night
Actually, men do experiment with that. It's called kilts. And there's also sarongs, lungis, and dhotis.
And many men wear them, they are cooling and comfortable, no? And if you wish to say you don't see them wearing it outdoors, well, there are two reasons for that. One, the term upskirt was coined for a reason, and two, the dangler is too easily exposed with it. With skirts, girls can't run, sit comfortably, squat or be on a higher ground, or windy place... and more. So what's the point of something which actually holds you back?
So yes, we know the feeling of wearing a 'skirt', especially Malaysians and the culture of sarongs. Would you like a bucket of cold water with that?
I shall assume we are talking about restaurants and clubs here, since I do not think they have plush sofas or even plastic chairs in public toilets, but really, toilets? Why would want to chit-chat in a place which is about to be stink bombed by someone who had too much cabbage and beans? Ew.
And about reapplying makeup and staring into ginormous mirrors? Sorry, guys don't need to feed their vanity THAT badly to 'need to go to the ladies to freshen up'.
Speaking of which, can someone quote me any case where a guy gets remotely injured from such a mistake. More likely, you hear glass-shattering shrieks while the guy runs out red-faced.
A quick warning for everyone out there. Anyone that decided to check for the answer to the question.. here it is.
This liquid is typically a half-and-half mixture of water and ethylene glycol or propylene glycol (with a small amount of corrosion inhibitor) known as antifreeze.And if you decided to follow this, I'm so sorry. Antifreeze is meant to be added into cars in countries like US or UK, where winter actually freezes your radiator water, and hence, the need of anti-freeze. It is actually highly corrosive, and has quite a bad effect on cars built for tropical weather, such as Protons and CBU Vios and City. Adding this will make your radiator rust fast, and result in a leak, an overheat and a overhaul. So much for girls knowing anything about radiators. The internet cannot be fully trusted.
And on pads, hey, we don't use it, why know about it? But girls use cars and radiators in them no? Btw, on another notes, guys with girlfriends actually do know these stuff. Some even help their girlfriends buy these in times of needs (No, not me. Not yet, anyway)
Oh, and there is also a Wikipedia article on Sanitary Pads which includes the type of pads, for anyone who is interested, but I cannot promise on it's accuracy.
I'm gonna make this one short and sweet. Yes, we are very happy to make you feel such great responsibility and giving u the feeling of carrying a life. That feeling, you won't ever get either. Oh, and sorry for the pain.
Oh, girls really need to understand the psychological makeup of guys. We lack the vanity (and I speak for most, not all, for there are many metrosexuals out there), to actually go spa or mask or manicure. Our concept for self-pampering is buying some new gadget, or a fancy new car, or a drunken stupor night out with the boys. It's relaxing too, you know.
Again, why bring up vanity over and over again? Two things about the job hunting example
Be real. Don't blame everything on PMS. I mean, you don't see guys putting the blame on IMS or anything of that sort. Accept it like a man! Oh wait, maybe that's why they coined the term with man instead of woman.
Ok, you win here. I completely agree. And it's good for men who needs a hunting ground anyway.
So there you have it. If being happy in life is as said by siow, by all means, be happy. But otherwise, I will have fun being a guy...
Why Men Aren't As Happy As They Should...
I don't know why I am starting with this but i guess it's for the obvious. Girls can wear skirts AND pants. We girls basically can wear any attire, which includes also your limited wardrobe options. Hahahaha.... it's like Girls --> dress, skirts, pants, shorts, jeans, blouses, t-shirts... etc and Guys --> pants, t-shirts, jeans, shorts... and that's about it. And before you start with the -Men wears Boxers- theory, here's comes the bucket of cold water. We girls do have girl's boxers too. So guys, it feel sucks right never knowing how it felt wearing flowing skirts around and just in case you really want to know how it felt, skirts are cooling and comfortable.
Girls Room
No, I am not talking about going into girl's room. This is about the 'Ladies'. You know?? Girl-washroom? Toilet for girls? Yeah, that's the one. The mystery of the girl's toilet. Well, of course vice versa guy's washroom too. But hey, here's the sad part. If we girls 'accidentally' enters the Gents we basically just felt embarrassed and left quickly. But if guys actually 'accidentally' enters the Ladies, you won't just leave that easily. Basically you will be scratched, blinded and practically torn apart. And we girls know what is the 'extra-special-bowl' that the Gents have. But do you know? The Ladies actually have an extra big space filled with mirrors and -here's the best part- we even have chairs/sofas/couch whatever you call it in the extra compartment. We called that the 'make-up room'. It is basically a space for us girls to re-apply our make up and well, sit and gossip. So... 'extra-bowl' or extra room... which sounds better eh?
Sanitary Pads
Hahaha... i know this is a sensitive issue. But since you guys love to boast that you know better stuffs than girls such as -quote from Jan 'Girl only know how to drive a car but NOTHING, about maintaining a car'...blah...blah...blah... Well, try this for a change then. Do you know what a slim, fit, night wing is?? Do you even know what it looks like? Or how about the difference between overnight with maxi?
Oh and girls, in case you wander about the answer for the question thrown by Jan - "The radiator needs water" --> True or false girls?? try getting the answer from wikipedia. That's what internet are for.
This is one situation you guys will never ever know in you whole entire life. The feeling of bearing a life for 9 months and giving birth. Although it is a painful experience but it is worth it all. We girls hold great reponsibilities, a life-giver. And this is one thing guys will never ever understand - the feeling of carrying a life in our body.- So guys can be upperhand of everything but they still can't bear a child.
This is one thing that we can say we are so proud being girls. We can pamper ourselves and relax. Be it going to salon for a new hairstyle, or spa for relaxation, or even manicure and pedicure. We sure do love to pamper ourselves and this is one thing that you rarely...and i mean really rarely see guys do. Ever seen a guy do mask? or manicure?? now that will be a sight to see...hahaha
Since we have touched a bit about self-pampering, i will also cover this part about make-up. Now i know the reason for girls to make-up is to make us look more beautiful and confident. The power of make-up also really does help when there occur desperate times. I shall give a situation. Mr Guy is preparing for his morning face-to-face interview. So Mr Guy wake up real early and go wash his face. As he sees his image in the mirror, he noticed something. Something really big, ugly and horrible. A Zit! Size of a moth-ball. What should Mr Guy do? He reached out to his zit and use his stubby fingers to press out. As hard as possible. Not only does it not work, and it hurts like hell. The zit grew redder and redder. Sigh! 'I'll just leave it. Hopefully the interviewer won't notice it' said Mr Guy. And you know what? That is what the interview stared at through out the interview and sorry to say, Mr Guy did not get the job cause interviewer's comment that he don't look presentable. If the same situation occurs at Ms Girl, she will just take out her 'magical' concealer and apply it on the redness and...wahlah.... Zit's gone, Ms Girl got her new job and everything's fine and dandy.
Hahahaha, here is one thing that girls are way upperhand at. Not the fact that we girls get it every month. It's the thing that we girls can use it as a reason for almost anything and everything and able to get out of any situation with it. If we went all emotional and start pissing everyone off, "sorry, PMS" and we are forgiven. Hahaha... Or we felt really lazy and doesn't want to work, we just get MC with the reason of PMS. Hehehehe...
Ladies Night
We get free drinks, cheap tickets and yes, cheap karaoke session because there is the special thing called Ladies Night. Woohoo.... ever heard of Men's night?? Hahaha....
So, guys are you really really happy in life? Do you still think you guys have priviledged in almost everything. Well, not those that i have listed that is. Have fun being a guy...hahahaha
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Seventh Post!!
These points are taken from a shirt that I once bought in Topshop. Enjoy.
Car mechanics tell you the truth
It is a famously known fact, Girl only know how to drive a car but NOTHING, about maintaininga car. So when a car breakdown happens. A mechanic is there to save the day. The chances that a mechanic will tell a bullshit story about the car to a man is lower as compared to a lady. Since there are only like 10% of the whole female population that knows about cars. So can you blame the mechanics to wanna lie to you all??
"The radiator needs water" --> True or false girls??
The world is your urinal
We were blessed with the ability to stand and pee, though our aiming REALLY REALLY SUCK. But it doesn't change the fact that we can pee, anywhere, anytime...if we try a little harder, we can actually get it to target, IF WE TRY A LITTLE HARDER. Maybe this is the one thing that guys can do women can't. We can pee standing up..sitting..and squatting.. :p
Wrinkles add character
Right..we are not scared of makes us look wiser..hahahaha!, another thing that most men couldn't be bother having on their faces
Cholocate is just another snack
It is true you know, we can buy any chocolate coated snack, put it in our mouth and not feel that we committed a cardinal sin. It is just a sin for our sugar level in the body, but as for the rest....
You know stuff about tanks
I dont really see the point behind this. But in any case, my friend once told me he saw in the discovery channel, there is a tank under development, the prototype canon can shoot a target 300KM away?? See!
You can open your own jars
Three pairs of shoes are enough
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Its true, we dont need shoe to match only ONE outfit, we have shoes that matches almost anything we wear, but we are glad we dont need a closet just to put our shoes
Your last name stays put
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! what you want me to say??
You only have shave your face
Okkay, make no mistake about it..WE (guys) are very glad/pleased/thankful that you all (girls) DONT NEED to shave your face, but thankfully everywhere else...the sun seems so shiny because of that..
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Girls' Truthful Statement
I'm not interested
Common misunderstanding. Let's put this in a situation. Here we are in a club or party and there's this really cute, hot girl standing at the bar counter chatting with her girlfriends. And so you (guys) have been standing there at the opposite corner checking her out for like 15 mins and finally as you have taken your final courage and approach her, she turns and say... 'Sorry. Not interested.' OK. That's it. Once a girl said that it means we have drawn our red line out. - Tonight we are just having a girl-night out. We are not planning to get to know any cute guys. We are just here for a drink and chat with our friends.- Put this in your mind guys cause, i know you guys will think 'I guess, she is just playing hard-to-get. Maybe a persuasion or two from me will change her mind.' Wrong! If we say not interested, we mean it. The more you attempt on asking for her name or her number the more you are looking like a jerk to them. So back-off.
Don't call me, I'll call you
Now when a girl says that it literally means that. No need for you to keep calling her again and again cause we ain't gonna answer the phone. If it is the right time for it, we WILL call you. Don't go wasting your phone credit and all cause heck, you are basically wasting your time and energy.
I hate you / I don't like you
This is a tough one. It really does depends on situation. If situation like this occurs when it is around a group of friends, she was smacking your back lightly after you gave a really funny, lame joke about her and then she laughed and said 'I hate you, you are so mean...' This means she's just saying it jokingly. No hard feelings to that. If however, you are in a different situation where there's only you and her and she is giving you a really serious face and staring directly into your eyes and said...' I hate you, you know? I seriously do'.... Well, it means she seriously hates you and it is best for you to just avoid her or just stay 10 meters away from her if you don't want to get yourself hurt - physically or emotionally-
He's got cute ass
Ok, I know all guys think their asses are cuter than the other guys out there. But hey, who's a better judge to this if it's not us, girls? Right? Let's just say some guys are born with cute asses and some are not. So if a girl told you that the dude over there have a cuter ass than you, then you should just sink in the information and be done with it. Face the fact. That guy's ass IS really cuter than yours and there's nothing you can do or argue about it.
I don't want to talk about it
Again, this is meant literally. If we don't want to talk about it, we DON'T want to talk about it. Think it logically. If we really want to tell you about it, we would have just told you so and not going round and avoiding the topic, right? So stop bugging us with questions and trying to dig in for some information. It will just piss us off and -word of caution- you really shouldn't piss girls off.
It's not you, it's me
I know it's been written in Jan's post for the guy's side and heck we girls do share the same general meaning towards this sentence. This is basically a common cliche line for both genders in a break-up situation. No matter how nice you treat us or how good you are... if we have lost the feeling of love towards you... we just lost it. It's definitely not your fault, we just stop loving you anymore. So, it's really not you, it's just me.
Sorry, I'm late
This is one line that i bet most guys have heard it over and over again from girls. So i would like to put a point and defend us girls for this. If we apologize because we are late, we really meant the apology. It is a decent gesture for us girls as we do realize and aware that we are late for the date or any event and we are expressing our utmost regret for the delay. So, please don't you guys think that we are just saying this just to get away from being scolded or nagged by you. Because we know 90% of the time even if we have apologize for our lateness, we will still be scolded or nagged by you. At least for once, you guys should sit and really think about the reason why we are late. Because we really took a really long time grooming ourselves at home thus the lateness? If this really is the situation, shouldn't you guys feel flattered instead? Because we girls really are trying to look the best for you. Now, don't you feel sorry or regret for scolding and nagging at us then?
I don't know
At this point, i know you guys will begin to wonder 'why on earth is she putting this in as one of her point'. Let me explain it in a situation.
This couple are driving in a highway and somehow they got lost and couldn't find the way to their destination. Now this guy -who is driving the car-
asked his girlfriend...'Where are we now?' And the girl will naturally reply 'I don't know'. Then the guy asked 'Should turn left or right then?' and the girl answer 'I don't know. Maybe we should try the right then'... and then the guy listened and turned the right. Later then only he noticed the signboard at the left road written their destination place. So of course he got frustrated and started blaming the girlfriend for giving the wrong direction.
Here is the thing, guys. Based on the situation that i just mention, in the very beginning the girl has already implied that she don't know the road. If she doesn't know why on earth would you still ask her to make the decision either to turn here or there? Ok, so maybe you are thinking -since there isn't anyone else that you can seek advice for thus you ask her for her opinion towards making the road-decision- we girls then provide using our instinct on which side to go AND stated again that we really really don't know the way and we are just trying to help in any possible way we can. Thus, are we really to be blamed then if we accidentally gave you the wrong direction?? Is it really fair then for us to get unnecessary scoldings from you?
How do i look?
Now this is a question that i know most guys feared of answering it... why? we are basically just asking you one very simple do i look? I know what is playing in your mind will be... 'basically she's just fishing for compliments and so i should just compliment her as much as possible and try my best to avoid the word 'fat''.... well, not really. Cause if we girls ask you this question, honestly we really want to know what do you guys really think about my look in this dress.... If it's not nice just say it's not and of course most importantly, you will have to have a backing towards your answer. -If i don't look good in this dress... why?- Definitely there is a reason why i don't look good in this specific dress and i just want to know what is the flaw then.
I told you so
We girls really couldn't resist it if we are really right about something and made this statement...'I told you so'. Because, hey we already know that whatever you guys are doing is wrong and heck, we have given all our caution signs telling you to back out from it and yet you still want to go forward and hit the wall... well then, what else can we say but...'i told you so'.... we've tried warning you but you wouldn't listen... didn't we told you so? And let me point this out that we girls ARE ALWAYS RIGHT most of the time. So don't hold any grudges at us when we say..'i told you so'...
Thank you for taking your time and guys, if you have anything to comment or unsatisfied at feel free to voice it out. No hard feelings.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sixth Post!!
Ok..over the years women learnt from websites, magazines and sources of all sorts to get enlightenment about men, and few of the most famous ones are 'Things Men say and don't mean' I have read a few of those before..and trust me when I say this..I completely agree with SOME them..somethings men say are really just for the sake of saying something..BUT right now I am gonna list out a few things that men say AND THEY REALLY MEAN IT, not bias not sexist just thought I gotta at least defend my kind :
I'll go in order of how long the line is..
I forgot..
She's hot..
It is natural that our eyes are on international roaming wherever we go, so its nothing personal girls. When we look at another girl..and even for a brief moment THINK or SAY 'She's hot' us..she is hotter than you, which is also why you girls should get angry when you catch us staring at other girls when we are next to you. Really.
I am okay..
Common knowledge for GUYS, when a girl says "I am okay" it actually means "I am NOT okay","I am about to sulk" "I am about to get mad at you", and whatever that means opposite of THAT. So please girls..when we say "I am okay" we really ARE okay..and dont pursue the matter anymore..we are not you..
Much like 'I forgot' this is something we mean 90% of the time. So don't doubt's REAL.
That fucker..
These 2 words are globally known to be a way to start a sentense as a joke..or when we are REALLY pissed..If we start a sentense with these 2 words INFRONT of you..90% of the time something is wrong..we dont 'hint hint' like you..
REALLY! REALLY! when we say means mean its nothing. WE ARE NOT YOU!
You look familiar..
It is a fucking lame pick up line, but really SOMETIMES when we say this its true, not a lame pick up line..I shall not comment anymore
I was late because..
Okay this was a famous line created by GUYS a LONG time ago, but that doesn't not mean its a fucking lie, whatever the reason take it with an open mind cause if you dont give us the benefit of the doubt.........nah nvm we all mean it most of the time.
It's not you it's me..
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! There is no way we can defend ourself when we say this, when we use this
famous line, you all automatically switch off and ask us to fuck ourself, take this with an open mind really.
It seems that I have something to do..but I just can't remember..
No this is not something ALL guys will say, this is something I WILL SAY. I have to write down things on papers so I dont forget them, that is how bad my memory is. SO when I say this!! PLEASE TAKE IT AS IT IS CAUSE I REALLY MEAN IT!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
And now we introduce number four
Myself, jan, and mich are proud to present, the latest and greatest addition to our band of outpourers (If such a word exist in the Queens English), the incredibly talented hennwei! His first post can already be found here.
While his lack of capitalization may be an eyesore for some, but hennwei is talented is different ways compared to the rest. While jan's creativity, mich's ladies point of view, and my... something... related to writing prowess, hennwei's talent lies more in his ability to conjure art from nothingness, bringing his creativity to life in the form of artwork.
Most of his prior work can be found at ir.kiamsiap.
So let us put our hands together for hennwei and may he show us with more of his works.
Friday, July 18, 2008
God of War 3

for those of you whom have never heard of god of war, shame on you. Anyway, heres a quick recap.
- kratos (main character) was a bloodthirsty spartan general who killed lots of people. not in any pleasant way.
- kratos strikes a deal with ares (current god of war) to save his live and kill his enemies and thus is given his weapons the chaos blades which are painfully attached to his forearms.
- kratos is tricked by ares to kill his own family and decides to kill ares.
- god of war 1, ends with you killing ares and thus taking his place.
- start god of war 2, zeus fears kratos as the god of war and decides to put him down. he tricks kratos into giving up his powers and then stabs him with a big ass sword.
- kratos almost dies but is saved by gaia (a titan)
- he decides to kill zeus. (no prizes for guessing that d:)
- kratos recruits the titans and charges up mount olympus. end god of war 2.
The Friend Zone Encore
Perhaps I was, if lack of a better word, misunderstood?
The fact is this... when I wrote the post, it was based on the assumption that the guy was actually going after the girl, having intentions, and with a final goal of scoring (or getting married before scoring, for those staunch Catholics out there). So yes, her Scenario 1 means exactly what I meant prior to this. When the girls mindset actually goes, and I'm quoting mich here...
Girl accepts and she just take it like oh, a sign of being a gentlemen. If things workout more than that, it would be great but if it isn't. It's just too bad and there's isn't anything wrong for being a friend with a guy right?
What would that mean? I'm going to go out of the line here and slightly stereotype the Asian mindset (since we do not live in Manhattan or anything of that sort), but when a guy asks you out, for a drink (especially at night), alone, the last thing on his mind will be being a gentleman.
As for settling for any form of consolation prize so fast. No, guys have egos. Guys do not like being friends with girls they've tried to go after before. A simple explanation for that? Later on, when she starts telling you about her new boyfriend, how would you feel? Egos will flare, with you comparing yourself to him, and wallowing in self-pity knowing that you actually lost to another person like THAT.
As for Scenario 2, I cannot comment, because I simply cannot read a girls mind (complicated things, they are... a secret that man has not unlocked, in spite of being able to put a man on the moon). But I can tell you one thing, when a girl asks a guy out for a drink, there are two things that normally comes to mind (note the emphasis on normally, because it may differ...)
- "Looks like I might get lucky tonight, or within a distant near future"
- "Oh crap, how do I tell her I'm not interested/attached/married"
Of course, my prior post was specifically referencing to one single situation...
Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Guy tries going after girl. 1 month later. Girl says "You're my bestest friend ever"
This may actually apply in reverse as well, with a girl falling for a guy only to end up in the Friend Zone, but conditions for that slightly differ. And also, there are true friendships, as well as Platonic Love and other forms of ways guys and girls can get along. But when the guy has feelings for a girl, and she doesn't return it, will you get happy friends? No chance.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Fifth Post!!
When you are out with a girl..its called an outing or a date or whatever you wanna call will encounter ALOT of various type of girls, so put aside how hot she is, put a side what she is wearing, put a side your mental state, put a side thinking how she looks like naked, those are the things you will surely be thinking about at certain points of the date/outing/whatever. So some becomes a misadventure, some becomes a success story. But the ONE THING THAT NEVER CHANGES is WHAT kind of girl are you out with!
Here are the few, might have missed out some..but hey what the hell, its just for fun..*Please take note that they might come in a few categories combine.*
1) Broken Hydrants
This is the BEST kind of girl to go out with, they yap and yap and yap and you just sit your ass down and listen. Some might think they are a mouth full, but come on really??Would you rather have few intervals of awkward silence than a smooth flowing conversation?? (not by the guy). Its sad that you will dubbed a 'Good Listener' later..but would you rather get a 'Good Listener' tag, or 'uh..that dude....'. It a BIG difference those 2 tag, you get dubbed the later one, you wont even have a chance to listen to her yap the second time.
2) Sheep in a Wolf Skin
*Special Thanks to Sarah for the picture*

Not so sure how you put this, its not often you bump into them, but then again they are common, sheep in a wolf skin, try picturing it, it looks ridiculous. They are just acting strong, but inside they weak. This kind of girls are rather egoistic and they tend to believe that males serve no purpose living in this planet called Earth, but dont worrytoo much, just say the right things and know which buttons to push you will be fine.In addition to trying to look strong, whenever they lapse, it actually quite funny. Cant really tell you how is looks like when it happens. But make no mistake about it, they are quite special in alot of different ways. How they think, how the converse, how they act and etc. They can be VERY attractive to certain people. VERY.
3) Wolf in a Sheep skin
*Special Thanks to Sarah for the picture*

In reference to Derek's post this kind of girls are the 'Hello Waterfish' ones. They know what they want and they know how to get it. They have mastered the art of manipulating guys and
-YES!! I WILL ADMIT I HAVE FELL FOR THIS COUNTLESS AMOUNT OF TIMES- *jan*. Being guys, our achilles heel is that we are in just one word 'Horny' or 'Itchy'. So this happens because we are weak, not because the girl is any special. WE ARE WEAK.
4) Emo Queens
There was an episode of Sex and the City, where Carrie just broke up with Mr. Big, and she bump into another dude few episodes later (the one that dumped her with a post-it). They were talking and then Carrie said ALOT of weird stuff, the guy got into his bike on a haste and quickly ride away, and then she said 'I was like an emotional slut' (dont remember what exactly she said). That is easily one of the funniest scene in SaTC. So Guys, bump into one of these girls. R.U.N. You don't need them telling you ALOT of things ;)
5) LOA Ones (Lack Of Attention)
No explanation required :D
6) Those that are just weird
Much like the one above, no explaination is required but again its hard to explain. They seem normal, they seem okay..but go out with them and you will be like "What the fuck??" Personally I had this misadventure before, the one thing I remembered her saying "CIS!! BEDEBAH!!". YEAH!! that was a gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood outing!
7) Those that are just special'Good Luck, have fun.' The girl dont need to be a super model or anything. YOU WILL LIKE THE GIRL. No explaination, cause how do you gauge what is special to another person?
8) Those that let you do the talking
Okay, an outing with her, MIGHT suck or MIGHT be fun. When you are running all the talking, the outing might be fun cause you get a chance to show that you can carry a date with a revolving conversation. But ever just pause and think that you might be saying something DAMN lame?? and she is just nodding?? much like the 'Broken Hydrants' we just sit "umm" "yeah.." "yeah lorrr" but you dont really know how often do they actually stop listening and think "shit..". Right now is the oppositeand can you really hit all the common topics with her?? haha..
9) Intimidating ones
This girls dont bite or anything, they are just simply intimidating. Some kind of "Kick your ass!!!" aura coming out of them. Often comes in a few moment of awkward silence, it surely make you seem like you are nervous, which in half the cases YOU ARE. They can render you tongue tied , not be yourself,constantly thinking 'WHAT THE FUCK TO SAY??' and ALOT of shit. The worse part of this is that they areactually just being themself, and we on the other hand have smaller testicals all of a sudden. Its quiteego bruising :D , but eveything in life is a lesson. It might take a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time to get herless intimidating in your head, by the time you are cast aside already ;)
10) Nothing
The girls name is usually Illusion Lee. If you are reading this and think its been awhile since you met ANY of the girls above or possibly those that are not listed above, you need to start doing something for yourself and not wait for a fish to jump on your lap :
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Friends or Ploy??
Even if it comes from the simplest gesture for a girl, a guys' intentions will always be there. There is no escapism from the pure friendship zone mindset. So, let's play a role here ;
1. Scenario 1
Guy offers a drink to girl. Girl accepts and she just take it like oh, a sign of being a gentlemen. If things workout more than that, it would be great but if it isn't. It's just too bad and there's isn't anything wrong for being a friend with a guy right? But does the guy feels the same way? The answer is no. They felt like they have to settle to a consolation prize after that. Why is that so? Cos in the first place, they have already place their intention to hope for a chance to be the girl or for those real desperados would be getting into their pants/skirts.
2. Scenario 2
Girl offers a drink to the guy instead. Guy have hopes thinking that would be a green light head start. But is there any real intention behind the girl? It's a 50-50 thing. Why? Because some girls may just choosed to be humble/generous in buying a drink for a guy. To justified if she has any real intentions in it. Simple, just wait and see..girls actions when they really like that guy are easy to indicate.
Now, assumed Scenario 1 when the guy got accepted as a friend. And from then on, life is just gonna be forever friends and no turning backs which means for most's doomed right? But I'm not sure if guys like those realised that most of the time, they get 'privilleges' probably even better than the position of a boyfriend of course minus the what-a-normal-r'ship-couple-ppl-usually-does'. Think about who would be the first person to know when she breaks up besides her normal girl friends and times when she has a little dark secrets. What about times when she will stood up for that guy-friend for some little help that he may need. So, for it hard to be in a friendship zone with the girl they like is a question of let's face it,if you have sooo many guy friends,why can't they be a number of girl-friends?I'm sure they will be times when they are better solutions to a certain problem you can find from girl-friends. And who knows that they maybe better in providing advice?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
And along comes the third
Well, since we're all having a wonderful exchange about relationships, and the typical stereotype male/female as seen by the opposite sex, I suppose there is a need for me to drop my own two cents into this. But of course, I won't go into the typical direction of retorting what jan or Mich, but instead touch on a common yet dreaded topic: The Friend Zone.
Yes, the very term that has even has a Wikipedia page dedicated to it. (Which, might be a worse form of Platonic Love, but that will be another topic for another day)
So, let's jump straight into the core of it, and help bless the clueless with amazing but useless knowledge, and answer the question of questions, What is the this mythical Friend Zone?
Firstly, I can assure you it is NOT mythical (Yours Truly can be considered a veteran of the Friend Zone). Secondly, as you may have already read from the other tome of mostly useless time-wasting knowledge...
The friend zone (or friendship zone) is a folk psychology concept found in many texts geared towards a male audience about "dating advice", or "seduction advice". In that case, that man would be mentally categorized as a "friend" rather than a lover, i.e. put into the friend zone.
In short, it's that one very moment, that single second that the thought "Oh shit, I am never going to get into her pants, but I will spend an eternity hearing from her how other guys try, and some succeed, to get into her pants" comes to mind. For some, it can take mere days, others, months. The timing by itself is an art unknown to man, a secret carved into the very DNA of women, and locked away from our prying eyes.
So the question remains... why?
I assure you, it is quite simple. Let's take a quick jab at it.
- She's just not interested - Sometimes, the spark is just not there. She finds herself being friends with you, able to get along with you, able to share with you. Just not able to make out with you. It's quite an anti Love-At-First-Sight and there's little to prevent it from happening.
- You took too long Speed it up. One of the major issues I've had, is just taking too long, hoping it will happen. Well, face the truth. Money does not fall from the sky, nor will she fall in your arms. Make your move. If she likes you, congrats. If not, at least you have your answer. Waiting will make her think you do not have interest, and even if she does like you, she'd move on, heartbroken. Hi ho silver.
- She's damaged goods Burned by other guys before. Maybe even fallen into the Friend Zone trap. Either way, she doesn't have trust in a real relationship, which is why she "Just wanna be friends." Give it up sparky, if you can heal her, by all means, do, but the time and effort, not worth it.
- Hello waterfish Sometimes, you can actually enter the zone long long before you realise it. They know it, of course, and they capitalize on it quite hardly. Shower them with gifts? Thanks. Gorge them in fine dining? Cool. Cross your fingers for a goodnight kiss, and maybe an invitation into her place for coffee? Just a peck on the cheek.
- You're missing that one single thing - How do we put this... bling bling? Pray for money to fall from the sky, or at least that the Matchbox collection of yours suddenly became real Ferraris.
Frankly, this is the deadliest of the lot, because they know they have you by the balls (Yes, I am quoting jan), and you, sadly, don't. Willing to go a thousand miles for someone just to return and see her in some other persons arm, while many deny, is a commonplace. Nice guys and gentlemens don't finish first always.
So how do we recover from booby trap that is the Friend Zone? Well, to be quite frank and honest, there is no recovery. Once you fall into that deathtrap, there is no recovery. Like they said, prevention is better than cure. Applies here as well. Identity the elements of the Friend Zone direction. And avoid like hell.
And if you really do get stuck there, keep telling yourself, at least it's better than nothing. It's the only consolation you have.
The type of guys girls won't wanna fall for
Monday, July 14, 2008
Forth Post!!
*everything said about girls are mere speculations and everything said about guys are 90% true so dont try deny it*
The cycle of Love
Attraction --> Like --> LoveYou can't skip any of it..if you did..something is wrong..really wrong. This theory defies the 'Love at first sight' thing, cause I really dont believe in it..and so moving on...Feel free to leave any comments if you think any of what I said is wrong =)
Because of the way the photos are taken, lets block off that robot is a male thing.
Left Robot = Girl = Shin Musha Gundam (the bigger one)
Right Robot = Guy = Astray Red Frame (the smaller one)
1) When they meet

When the guy meets a girl that he is attracted to, he will do alot of weird stuff to try impress and get her attention, so after he gets her number the above picture is exactly what will follow next, both drawing their katanas to engage in battle. At this stage the girl will have ALOT of fun, ALL the attention she wants, free meals, free movies, free gifts and just about every other thing. This will drag about a month or so (time line might be wrong depending on the guy's skill). At this stage girl will tell her friends "Oh that guy is just a friend" (Knowing full well that he is hitting on her, just denying it...for I dont know why). Guy will tell his friend "I dont know la.." (not knowing if he is actually doing and saying the right stuff).
During this period of time, basically all the guy do is suck it up and take her shit, she hints about something, he gotta pick up the signs and so on and so on. In the guys world we call this stage "nothing but running on a loss" stage. It is also at this stage we gotta be cheap suck our pride and against our ego..this stage kinda suck for the guys..but its all fun and games for the girls .
2) When the girl is responding / When the guy start hitting harder

After stage 1, stage 2 will come. Either the girl is starting to respond to the guys movements or the guy is simply just hitting harder. Much like the picture again, the girl ALWAYS! ALWAYS! have the upper hand (Musha is on the air and Red is on the ground defending).
When the girl responds, she will start to loosen up infront of the guy, start flirting more, start to try get the guys attention and bla bla bla (dont wanna comment too much). At this point, the guys testicals will feel bigger and heavier cause he knows, something is going right for him, at this point he will start thinking ALOT of shit.
When the guy hits harder, most of the time he realises he might be in a wild goose chase and wants to confirm something with the girl. If all "goes well", the guy will be relieved and assume his task of hitting on the girl. Here is also where, the girl can be a little fucked up, even know full well that the dude is on a wild goose chase, the attention is just too hard to give up. Or even if they know that dude has a chance, the girl will toy around with the guy until she feels happy.
Again, good news or bad news, the guy will have to suck up their pride, still in the "nothing but running on a loss".
3) The BURN / The GOT the girl stage

The picture will apply even if the guy actually gets the girl, its a relieve to know he got the job done, cause after being beheaded by the girl several times, he closed the deal (GOOD JOB!!)
But something that has to be learnt here, as a guy, whether you get the girl or you get burned, just talk about it with your friends, eventually you will learn what to and what NOT to do the next time, thinking that you can do better next time and not bragging about your failure or success essentially gets you nowhere
3.1) Damage limitation exercise (for guys only)
Okay the picture is a little confusing, for someone that sees it the first time, the black line is the friend line, at stage 1 and 2 you are behind the black line. At stage 3, you are ON the line, either you get the girl or you dont. IF IF IF you go pass that line, you are in the Pet Bro or Sister or Best Friends Forever border (like the picture says). In other words, you are SO far up your ass you can feel your hair on your throat. If you get tossed in that border, NEVER liking the girl before..its okay, but if you get tossed in and you DID hit on the girl..OH NO!!
So the lesson to be learnt here, if you do get burned, pack your bags and move on, persistence only works 1/3 of the time the other 2/3 of the time you get tossed into a dark dark limit your damage, as though getting burned is not damaging enough getting toss pass the border is the major burn!
4) Good Job!!

And so the new couple will look good for some time to come.......................
4.1) Good Job!! (When the girl shows herself to YOUR door step)

On very rare occasions, you get the girl doing all the chasing. And like the picture depicts, the scenario becomes like that, guys testicals will feel as huge and heavy as bowling balls. We will be so full of ourself at this stage. I will stop here and let you all imagine how is it like..cause I know exactly what the guys are thinking now.
5) After stage 4 (6 months later...)

Okay the model getting sit on is called Zaku, in the Gundam world, they are there just to die, they are just there to be destroyed by the nicer Gundams. After 6 months most of the guys end up like Zaku, there to die and be destroyed. So after the looking good next to each other part. When they girl shows their true colours..or rather when both start showing the shitty side of each other.
Things aren't so bright and nice anymore. BUT no matter how shitty and fucked up the situation is..Musha (girl) always comes up on top, where the guys testicals is grabbed by the girl on a daily basis. A famous chinese saying "girl sitting on the guys head" it happens on almost 70% of the relationships. :D
At this point also, the girl's rank is upgraded to BOSS and not girlfriend anymore. The things the guy say to turn people down will turn from.."GF don't let" to "Boss don't let la.." "Boss Angry.." "Boss just owned my ass.." "boss boss bossss"
The End
Shin Musha Gundam
Astray Red Frame
CrossBone Ver. Ka
Zaku SD
Jan (for the ugly ass Damage Limitation picture)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Third Post!!
The Difference
I will use my love for Gundam to explain this, I know it don't really make much sense..but sometimes it is easier when you have something to relate to..
Very Serious Shit, that must be taken seriously.
The 2 robots up there, the one on the left is Shin Musha and the right is Astray Red Frame, (realise how good they look next to each other?? I have the one on the right by the way). In a more serious note they look really good and they are fucking good for poses, this are those you know you must take seriously, and as for how it applies to the real world..
^ well this people make Malaysians look bad..I hope you 2 go to prison and be someone's bitch
^ reminds me of a scene in The Sopranos final season, when the New Jersey gang take out the New York gang leader, he was filling up petrol, dude came 'Bang' and off he goes to Never Never Land..but my condolences to you, whoever you are..I really feel sorry for you..
One Piece and Bleach (Manga)
Round of Applause for Eichiro Oda, master Oda mastermind a pirate manga, every single ark is so good..that it just seems to top the previous one. Now that they finally showing the 3rd Admiral, time to wait for the next episode. As for Bleach, when I gave up on them I missed a 100 episodes..100 episodes later I started reading again..OH WOW its fucking good now..
Quite Serious thing that you can never take seriously
The name of this Model is Zaku, he is one of the bad guys gear in the Gundam world, often used as pawns, they are just there for the nicer Gundams to destroy. Though Zaku is actually quite a mean ass bad guy. Their action figure models are always not taken seriously..making poses like that..aint gonna get you very far..
^ I laughed as I was reading this, well its porn. So I can't really be a hypocrite and tell you it disgust me to the bones :|
^ another joker...
Things that look good but still cannot be taken seriously
This orange Robot was drawn by Sarah for me, as an attempt to get her to draw me a nicer Robot, than the one below. Can't say I was disappointed cause this orange dude is actually quite nice..but just not gaya enough
Typically it applies to ALOT of individuals, I believe I am allowed to judge and not belittle anybody.
Jay Jay and Rudy and the Hitz FM Morning Show
There was a time when I go to work ONLY listening to Hitz time passes I realised that the 2 of them are hogging ALOT of air time. Seriously the the show is getting BAD..and the 2 of them seems to be entertaining themselves instead of the listeners..which reminds me of someone I know..I work with that individual though..
Phat Fabes, Ben and Nadia in the Fly FM Pagi Show
After dumping Hitz I went to was okay for awhile..and then they are becoming like Jay Jay and Rudy...come on guys!!! make no mistake about it..I am a DAMN FUCKING loyal Fly FM listener..but really guys..stop hogging the air time..
The local politic circus
Today they are looking for someone..yesterday 2 fellas asking each other to go swear to religious leaders, get a life man.
The Star Newspaper
Our biggest english newspaper...every advertiser wants a piece of them, and I suscribe to The Star. As time passes, it is starting to look like some advertising newspaper, hardly you can find a page with NO advertising and just NEWS. Not to mention most of the time the news are not so interesting to read..
Naruto (Manga)
I was such a big fan..until Kishimoto decided to kill Jiraiya, and make Sasuke a bigger idiot he already is...I always thought that Naruto himself is lame..but Sasuke is just getting on my nerves, still the number 1 manga according to but really man..its becoming crap.
Things you can NEVER take seriously at all
This was Sarah's first robot drawing attempt, this one looks BAD..but lucky its kinda cute. It looks like R2D2 with arms and legs, but sort of explain why I asked her to draw another for me :S
^ Jumper was bad..but entertaining, though I dont like Hayden Christensen, but at least the movie was not for Dragon Ball the dear don't even need to see the trailer, you look at the know its a movie you dont wanna for myself..I will sit through it..just for the sake of see it..I am a Dragon Ball fan
^ seriously this is quite a killer
- Jamie Lynn Spears baby on , okay she had a baby and all..but really??? CNN???
John McCain - The Perfect Zeong a.k.a Astroboy
Don't this Gundam look like John McCain??
No other comments I just think of this guy as John McCain
Barack Obama - Turn A Gundam a.k.a fugly Gundam
This Gundam on the other hand..looks like Barack Obama
No comments I am Obama fan
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Second Post!!
Cristiano Ronaldo (Champion Joker)
100 million Pounds (rumours)
True Value if some foreign club wanna sign him = 100 million Pounds!
Manchester United to Real Madrid
Ramon Calderon = Idiot 1
Real Madrid = Idiot 2
Ronaldo = Idiot 3
Together..they are a bunch of Idiots the Rs
Honestly you have no idea how sick I am seeing Ronaldo and Ramon Calderon on the headlines of any football website I go to.
One club president that wants the world to know;
"I am signing Ronaldo.....I am signing Ronaldo......I am signing Ronaldo........I am signing Ronaldo.....I am signing Ronaldo.....I am signing Ronaldo......I am signing Ronaldo................I am signing Ronaldo......................I am signing Ronaldo..................I am signing Ronaldo...................I am signing Ronaldo......................................I am signing Ronaldo"
And one Cristiano Ronaldo that just seems to want more and more attention, my friend once joke;
Cristiano Ronaldo watches the Sports Page of newspaper
Ronaldo "hehe on front page...hehe on second page...hehe on third page...WTF??!?!??! why am I not in the forth page??!??!"
(calls his agent)
Ronaldo (cries) "Why am I not in page 4 of the sports section????
I really hope he just sign for Real we can have a one week "huuhaa" for him becoming the world most expensive footballer and then get on with life without updates on him.
Gareth Barry (First RunnerUp Joker)
18 million Pounds (in Negotiation)
True Value if some foreign club wanna sign him = 7-9 million Pounds??
Aston Villa to Liverpool
Rafa oh..Rafa..why of all person you choose to choose an English and the Club captain...
On a more serious note, as a player he really is NOT bad..his link up with Gerrard during the 'good job' McLaren England era is seriously quite deadly. Naturally left footed it compliments Stevie G pretty well, but 18 mill?? really?? Much like Michael Carrick then, he is OKAY..but not worth 8 digits...
Put in another way of looking at it..
Michael Essien cost Chelsea 24 million
Michael Carrick + Owen Hargreaves + Gareth Barry = 17+18+17 = 52 Million All those 3 English men combine..they are still lousier than one Michael Essien ___________________________________________________________________
David Bentley
17 Million Pounds (in Negotiation)
True Value if some foreign club wanna sign him = 5-7 million Pounds??
Blackburn to Tottenham
This joker is linked to Liverpool also! If he is gonna cost 17 million pounds I rather we stick with Jermaine Pennant...
Arsene Wenger loaned him out to Norwich City after they got promoted, soon he moved to Blackburn. Arsene Wenger is famous for signing unknowns and making them into stars (Anelka, Petit, Pires) but he is also famous for signing duds (Francis Jeffers, Wiltord, Reyes, Jermaine Pennant, DAVID BENTLEY) If Arsene Wenger thinks he is not good enough, then I trust the French dude, DB had 2 good seasons with Blackburn..but 17 million?? come on Paul realistic..I know he scored some good goals last season from the right flank..but REALLY COME ON!! __________________________________________________________________
Peter Crouch
11 Million (Done Deal)
True Value if some foreign club wanna sign him = 7 million Pounds??
Liverpool to Portsmouth
As sad as I am to see the Bean Pole leave Liverpool, I am sort of glad Rafa actually made a profit selling him, PC in my honest opinion is not bad a player, his height can cost some serious issue for defenders, but it was a pity he didn't get a chance during his time in Anfield...
Rafa sign him from Southampton for 7 Million at that point I really thought he was not worth THAT much...and then 2 seasons he goes to Portsmouth for reported 11 million...can you believe Dani Guiza went to Fenerbahce for an undisclosed fee, so I would assume it was quite a cheap deal..but PC > DG??? REALLY??? Oo
Minor Jokers
Emmanuel Adebayor = 35 Million (stop hogging the headlines)
Frank Lampard = 7.95 Million (no one cares where you end up)
Ronaldinho to Milan (please just go..)
Andrei Arshvin = 12.1 Mill (Zenit wants 24.2 Mill, just fucking go Barcelona..please..)
Luiz Felipe Scolari = Chelsea boss (doing nothing in transfer market, DO SOMETHING! Rich ass club not doing shit!!)
I have nothing against Federer, but really I am so fucking glad that guy lost to Nadal, not that I like Nadal, but its just nice to finally see a different guy lifting the trophy. I would have watched the finals if it featured Novak Djokovic, and then the day I found out the finals became a 5 set thiller and dubbed the best ever Wimbeldon final after the 1980 McEnroe/Borg finals...I regretted I did not watch upset that came with a killer match up!!
As for the ladies finals it was the All Williams Finals..............oh well I dont think I missed out much..NO Ana, NO Jelena, NO Daniela, NO MARIAAAAAAA.....what's the point watching the finals?? and our Asian pride got gunned down by um...'girl that can take me down on a 1v1 fight' Serena Williams..
When I got news that Maria Sharapova got knocked out in the second round, I was rather stunned...there I was telling myself at the start of Wimbeldon
Jan "Haha..can see the leggy chiq in ALL WHITE...I will start watching in the Quarters"
Man I was disappointed..but anyways next up is US Open, I hope Nadal pawn the Swiss' ass again
There seem to be alot of ass lovers in the local politics circle, but again its just allegations made, so why speculate?? But just incase if they really like ass.. "WTF MAN??!!"
And now the dude that claims that 'this guy likes ass fuck that told another dude this girl gives ass fuck' suddenly went missing.
And another dude that claims he got ass fucked.....and making a big 'huu haa' now...
Sucks to be reading half ass stories all the time. Related Topic hmm...
News & Rubbish
Saw some news just now, this girl with a really huge bra (maybe a C) , had a baby bat in her bra, she only realised it after she felt vibrations on her left tits. Went and check it out and realised there is a baby bat inside of her padding, few things...
Such a huge bra..obviously she has big boobs..why would she need padding?? to make it look bigger??
I dont wear a I really dont know how it works, but wont you feel weird..or rather awkward..if there was something hiding in the pad?? okay i shall not comment anymore..
^ Latest Cosmopolitan
^ ..............
^ what the hell??
^ dont really know what this is..but I dont mind being in it..
First Post!!
All the post that you are going to read here are just mindless post from me as a way
to pass time, if you don't like it, don't read like it please leave a comment.
I plan to have a recurring short story here on a daily basis, not so sure what to call it yet, but you will know soon...
Anyways please enjoy yourself while you are here.