Friday, July 18, 2008

The Friend Zone Encore

And now, this one, is a direct retort to mich's response to me
Perhaps I was, if lack of a better word, misunderstood?

The fact is this... when I wrote the post, it was based on the assumption that the guy was actually going after the girl, having intentions, and with a final goal of scoring (or getting married before scoring, for those staunch Catholics out there). So yes, her Scenario 1 means exactly what I meant prior to this. When the girls mindset actually goes, and I'm quoting mich here...
Girl accepts and she just take it like oh, a sign of being a gentlemen. If things workout more than that, it would be great but if it isn't. It's just too bad and there's isn't anything wrong for being a friend with a guy right?

What would that mean? I'm going to go out of the line here and slightly stereotype the Asian mindset (since we do not live in Manhattan or anything of that sort), but when a guy asks you out, for a drink (especially at night), alone, the last thing on his mind will be being a gentleman.

As for settling for any form of consolation prize so fast. No, guys have egos. Guys do not like being friends with girls they've tried to go after before. A simple explanation for that? Later on, when she starts telling you about her new boyfriend, how would you feel? Egos will flare, with you comparing yourself to him, and wallowing in self-pity knowing that you actually lost to another person like THAT.

As for Scenario 2, I cannot comment, because I simply cannot read a girls mind (complicated things, they are... a secret that man has not unlocked, in spite of being able to put a man on the moon). But I can tell you one thing, when a girl asks a guy out for a drink, there are two things that normally comes to mind (note the emphasis on normally, because it may differ...)

  1. "Looks like I might get lucky tonight, or within a distant near future"

  2. "Oh crap, how do I tell her I'm not interested/attached/married"

Of course, my prior post was specifically referencing to one single situation...
Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Guy tries going after girl. 1 month later. Girl says "You're my bestest friend ever"

This may actually apply in reverse as well, with a girl falling for a guy only to end up in the Friend Zone, but conditions for that slightly differ. And also, there are true friendships, as well as Platonic Love and other forms of ways guys and girls can get along. But when the guy has feelings for a girl, and she doesn't return it, will you get happy friends? No chance.

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