for those of you whom have never heard of god of war, shame on you. Anyway, heres a quick recap.
- kratos (main character) was a bloodthirsty spartan general who killed lots of people. not in any pleasant way.
- kratos strikes a deal with ares (current god of war) to save his live and kill his enemies and thus is given his weapons the chaos blades which are painfully attached to his forearms.
- kratos is tricked by ares to kill his own family and decides to kill ares.
- god of war 1, ends with you killing ares and thus taking his place.
- start god of war 2, zeus fears kratos as the god of war and decides to put him down. he tricks kratos into giving up his powers and then stabs him with a big ass sword.
- kratos almost dies but is saved by gaia (a titan)
- he decides to kill zeus. (no prizes for guessing that d:)
- kratos recruits the titans and charges up mount olympus. end god of war 2.
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