Hi! This is my first time writing a post here. After taking the silent-reader role for quite sometime in this blog, i couldn't help but decide to post in a 'piece' of my mind in regards to this post 'Things Men say and they REALLY mean it..' authored by Jan. Dear guys, do enjoy this as much as we girls do, ok?
Since god-knows-when, this 'education' that has been passed down from fathers to sons, brotherhood to brotherhood and so forth about the understanding of a girl's mind is of such that whatever girls said the guys must interpret it the opposite meaning. Now i know there are slight truth to it that we, girls sometimes DO speak what our mind thinks otherwise, however often times we usually states out what we really feel and meant and thus this is a lesson to you guys out there that when a girl insistently said NO... we really mean NO.
So here are some examples that maybe you guys can learn one or two out of it....
I'm not interested
Common misunderstanding. Let's put this in a situation. Here we are in a club or party and there's this really cute, hot girl standing at the bar counter chatting with her girlfriends. And so you (guys) have been standing there at the opposite corner checking her out for like 15 mins and finally as you have taken your final courage and approach her, she turns and say... 'Sorry. Not interested.' OK. That's it. Once a girl said that it means we have drawn our red line out. - Tonight we are just having a girl-night out. We are not planning to get to know any cute guys. We are just here for a drink and chat with our friends.- Put this in your mind guys cause, i know you guys will think 'I guess, she is just playing hard-to-get. Maybe a persuasion or two from me will change her mind.' Wrong! If we say not interested, we mean it. The more you attempt on asking for her name or her number the more you are looking like a jerk to them. So back-off.
Don't call me, I'll call you
Now when a girl says that it literally means that. No need for you to keep calling her again and again cause we ain't gonna answer the phone. If it is the right time for it, we WILL call you. Don't go wasting your phone credit and all cause heck, you are basically wasting your time and energy.
I hate you / I don't like you
This is a tough one. It really does depends on situation. If situation like this occurs when it is around a group of friends, she was smacking your back lightly after you gave a really funny, lame joke about her and then she laughed and said 'I hate you, you are so mean...' This means she's just saying it jokingly. No hard feelings to that. If however, you are in a different situation where there's only you and her and she is giving you a really serious face and staring directly into your eyes and said...' I hate you, you know? I seriously do'.... Well, it means she seriously hates you and it is best for you to just avoid her or just stay 10 meters away from her if you don't want to get yourself hurt - physically or emotionally-
He's got cute ass
Ok, I know all guys think their asses are cuter than the other guys out there. But hey, who's a better judge to this if it's not us, girls? Right? Let's just say some guys are born with cute asses and some are not. So if a girl told you that the dude over there have a cuter ass than you, then you should just sink in the information and be done with it. Face the fact. That guy's ass IS really cuter than yours and there's nothing you can do or argue about it.
I don't want to talk about it
Again, this is meant literally. If we don't want to talk about it, we DON'T want to talk about it. Think it logically. If we really want to tell you about it, we would have just told you so and not going round and avoiding the topic, right? So stop bugging us with questions and trying to dig in for some information. It will just piss us off and -word of caution- you really shouldn't piss girls off.
It's not you, it's me
I know it's been written in Jan's post for the guy's side and heck we girls do share the same general meaning towards this sentence. This is basically a common cliche line for both genders in a break-up situation. No matter how nice you treat us or how good you are... if we have lost the feeling of love towards you... we just lost it. It's definitely not your fault, we just stop loving you anymore. So, it's really not you, it's just me.
Sorry, I'm late
This is one line that i bet most guys have heard it over and over again from girls. So i would like to put a point and defend us girls for this. If we apologize because we are late, we really meant the apology. It is a decent gesture for us girls as we do realize and aware that we are late for the date or any event and we are expressing our utmost regret for the delay. So, please don't you guys think that we are just saying this just to get away from being scolded or nagged by you. Because we know 90% of the time even if we have apologize for our lateness, we will still be scolded or nagged by you. At least for once, you guys should sit and really think about the reason why we are late. Because we really took a really long time grooming ourselves at home thus the lateness? If this really is the situation, shouldn't you guys feel flattered instead? Because we girls really are trying to look the best for you. Now, don't you feel sorry or regret for scolding and nagging at us then?
I don't know
At this point, i know you guys will begin to wonder 'why on earth is she putting this in as one of her point'. Let me explain it in a situation.
This couple are driving in a highway and somehow they got lost and couldn't find the way to their destination. Now this guy -who is driving the car-
asked his girlfriend...'Where are we now?' And the girl will naturally reply 'I don't know'. Then the guy asked 'Should turn left or right then?' and the girl answer 'I don't know. Maybe we should try the right then'... and then the guy listened and turned the right. Later then only he noticed the signboard at the left road written their destination place. So of course he got frustrated and started blaming the girlfriend for giving the wrong direction.
Here is the thing, guys. Based on the situation that i just mention, in the very beginning the girl has already implied that she don't know the road. If she doesn't know why on earth would you still ask her to make the decision either to turn here or there? Ok, so maybe you are thinking -since there isn't anyone else that you can seek advice for thus you ask her for her opinion towards making the road-decision- we girls then provide using our instinct on which side to go AND stated again that we really really don't know the way and we are just trying to help in any possible way we can. Thus, are we really to be blamed then if we accidentally gave you the wrong direction?? Is it really fair then for us to get unnecessary scoldings from you?
How do i look?
Now this is a question that i know most guys feared of answering it... why? we are basically just asking you one very simple question...how do i look? I know what is playing in your mind will be... 'basically she's just fishing for compliments and so i should just compliment her as much as possible and try my best to avoid the word 'fat''.... well, not really. Cause if we girls ask you this question, honestly we really want to know what do you guys really think about my look in this dress.... If it's not nice just say it's not and of course most importantly, you will have to have a backing towards your answer. -If i don't look good in this dress... why?- Definitely there is a reason why i don't look good in this specific dress and i just want to know what is the flaw then.
I told you so
We girls really couldn't resist it if we are really right about something and made this statement...'I told you so'. Because, hey we already know that whatever you guys are doing is wrong and heck, we have given all our caution signs telling you to back out from it and yet you still want to go forward and hit the wall... well then, what else can we say but...'i told you so'.... we've tried warning you but you wouldn't listen... didn't we told you so? And let me point this out that we girls ARE ALWAYS RIGHT most of the time. So don't hold any grudges at us when we say..'i told you so'...
Thank you for taking your time and guys, if you have anything to comment or unsatisfied at feel free to voice it out. No hard feelings.
I'm not interested
Common misunderstanding. Let's put this in a situation. Here we are in a club or party and there's this really cute, hot girl standing at the bar counter chatting with her girlfriends. And so you (guys) have been standing there at the opposite corner checking her out for like 15 mins and finally as you have taken your final courage and approach her, she turns and say... 'Sorry. Not interested.' OK. That's it. Once a girl said that it means we have drawn our red line out. - Tonight we are just having a girl-night out. We are not planning to get to know any cute guys. We are just here for a drink and chat with our friends.- Put this in your mind guys cause, i know you guys will think 'I guess, she is just playing hard-to-get. Maybe a persuasion or two from me will change her mind.' Wrong! If we say not interested, we mean it. The more you attempt on asking for her name or her number the more you are looking like a jerk to them. So back-off.
Don't call me, I'll call you
Now when a girl says that it literally means that. No need for you to keep calling her again and again cause we ain't gonna answer the phone. If it is the right time for it, we WILL call you. Don't go wasting your phone credit and all cause heck, you are basically wasting your time and energy.
I hate you / I don't like you
This is a tough one. It really does depends on situation. If situation like this occurs when it is around a group of friends, she was smacking your back lightly after you gave a really funny, lame joke about her and then she laughed and said 'I hate you, you are so mean...' This means she's just saying it jokingly. No hard feelings to that. If however, you are in a different situation where there's only you and her and she is giving you a really serious face and staring directly into your eyes and said...' I hate you, you know? I seriously do'.... Well, it means she seriously hates you and it is best for you to just avoid her or just stay 10 meters away from her if you don't want to get yourself hurt - physically or emotionally-
He's got cute ass
Ok, I know all guys think their asses are cuter than the other guys out there. But hey, who's a better judge to this if it's not us, girls? Right? Let's just say some guys are born with cute asses and some are not. So if a girl told you that the dude over there have a cuter ass than you, then you should just sink in the information and be done with it. Face the fact. That guy's ass IS really cuter than yours and there's nothing you can do or argue about it.
I don't want to talk about it
Again, this is meant literally. If we don't want to talk about it, we DON'T want to talk about it. Think it logically. If we really want to tell you about it, we would have just told you so and not going round and avoiding the topic, right? So stop bugging us with questions and trying to dig in for some information. It will just piss us off and -word of caution- you really shouldn't piss girls off.
It's not you, it's me
I know it's been written in Jan's post for the guy's side and heck we girls do share the same general meaning towards this sentence. This is basically a common cliche line for both genders in a break-up situation. No matter how nice you treat us or how good you are... if we have lost the feeling of love towards you... we just lost it. It's definitely not your fault, we just stop loving you anymore. So, it's really not you, it's just me.
Sorry, I'm late
This is one line that i bet most guys have heard it over and over again from girls. So i would like to put a point and defend us girls for this. If we apologize because we are late, we really meant the apology. It is a decent gesture for us girls as we do realize and aware that we are late for the date or any event and we are expressing our utmost regret for the delay. So, please don't you guys think that we are just saying this just to get away from being scolded or nagged by you. Because we know 90% of the time even if we have apologize for our lateness, we will still be scolded or nagged by you. At least for once, you guys should sit and really think about the reason why we are late. Because we really took a really long time grooming ourselves at home thus the lateness? If this really is the situation, shouldn't you guys feel flattered instead? Because we girls really are trying to look the best for you. Now, don't you feel sorry or regret for scolding and nagging at us then?
I don't know
At this point, i know you guys will begin to wonder 'why on earth is she putting this in as one of her point'. Let me explain it in a situation.
This couple are driving in a highway and somehow they got lost and couldn't find the way to their destination. Now this guy -who is driving the car-
asked his girlfriend...'Where are we now?' And the girl will naturally reply 'I don't know'. Then the guy asked 'Should turn left or right then?' and the girl answer 'I don't know. Maybe we should try the right then'... and then the guy listened and turned the right. Later then only he noticed the signboard at the left road written their destination place. So of course he got frustrated and started blaming the girlfriend for giving the wrong direction.
Here is the thing, guys. Based on the situation that i just mention, in the very beginning the girl has already implied that she don't know the road. If she doesn't know why on earth would you still ask her to make the decision either to turn here or there? Ok, so maybe you are thinking -since there isn't anyone else that you can seek advice for thus you ask her for her opinion towards making the road-decision- we girls then provide using our instinct on which side to go AND stated again that we really really don't know the way and we are just trying to help in any possible way we can. Thus, are we really to be blamed then if we accidentally gave you the wrong direction?? Is it really fair then for us to get unnecessary scoldings from you?
How do i look?
Now this is a question that i know most guys feared of answering it... why? we are basically just asking you one very simple question...how do i look? I know what is playing in your mind will be... 'basically she's just fishing for compliments and so i should just compliment her as much as possible and try my best to avoid the word 'fat''.... well, not really. Cause if we girls ask you this question, honestly we really want to know what do you guys really think about my look in this dress.... If it's not nice just say it's not and of course most importantly, you will have to have a backing towards your answer. -If i don't look good in this dress... why?- Definitely there is a reason why i don't look good in this specific dress and i just want to know what is the flaw then.
I told you so
We girls really couldn't resist it if we are really right about something and made this statement...'I told you so'. Because, hey we already know that whatever you guys are doing is wrong and heck, we have given all our caution signs telling you to back out from it and yet you still want to go forward and hit the wall... well then, what else can we say but...'i told you so'.... we've tried warning you but you wouldn't listen... didn't we told you so? And let me point this out that we girls ARE ALWAYS RIGHT most of the time. So don't hold any grudges at us when we say..'i told you so'...
Thank you for taking your time and guys, if you have anything to comment or unsatisfied at feel free to voice it out. No hard feelings.
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