*everything said about girls are mere speculations and everything said about guys are 90% true so dont try deny it*
The cycle of Love
Attraction --> Like --> LoveYou can't skip any of it..if you did..something is wrong..really wrong. This theory defies the 'Love at first sight' thing, cause I really dont believe in it..and so moving on...Feel free to leave any comments if you think any of what I said is wrong =)
Because of the way the photos are taken, lets block off that robot is a male thing.
Left Robot = Girl = Shin Musha Gundam (the bigger one)
Right Robot = Guy = Astray Red Frame (the smaller one)
1) When they meet

When the guy meets a girl that he is attracted to, he will do alot of weird stuff to try impress and get her attention, so after he gets her number the above picture is exactly what will follow next, both drawing their katanas to engage in battle. At this stage the girl will have ALOT of fun, ALL the attention she wants, free meals, free movies, free gifts and just about every other thing. This will drag about a month or so (time line might be wrong depending on the guy's skill). At this stage girl will tell her friends "Oh that guy is just a friend" (Knowing full well that he is hitting on her, just denying it...for I dont know why). Guy will tell his friend "I dont know la.." (not knowing if he is actually doing and saying the right stuff).
During this period of time, basically all the guy do is suck it up and take her shit, she hints about something, he gotta pick up the signs and so on and so on. In the guys world we call this stage "nothing but running on a loss" stage. It is also at this stage we gotta be cheap suck our pride and against our ego..this stage kinda suck for the guys..but its all fun and games for the girls .
2) When the girl is responding / When the guy start hitting harder

After stage 1, stage 2 will come. Either the girl is starting to respond to the guys movements or the guy is simply just hitting harder. Much like the picture again, the girl ALWAYS! ALWAYS! have the upper hand (Musha is on the air and Red is on the ground defending).
When the girl responds, she will start to loosen up infront of the guy, start flirting more, start to try get the guys attention and bla bla bla (dont wanna comment too much). At this point, the guys testicals will feel bigger and heavier cause he knows, something is going right for him, at this point he will start thinking ALOT of shit.
When the guy hits harder, most of the time he realises he might be in a wild goose chase and wants to confirm something with the girl. If all "goes well", the guy will be relieved and assume his task of hitting on the girl. Here is also where, the girl can be a little fucked up, even know full well that the dude is on a wild goose chase, the attention is just too hard to give up. Or even if they know that dude has a chance, the girl will toy around with the guy until she feels happy.
Again, good news or bad news, the guy will have to suck up their pride, still in the "nothing but running on a loss".
3) The BURN / The GOT the girl stage

The picture will apply even if the guy actually gets the girl, its a relieve to know he got the job done, cause after being beheaded by the girl several times, he closed the deal (GOOD JOB!!)
But something that has to be learnt here, as a guy, whether you get the girl or you get burned, just talk about it with your friends, eventually you will learn what to and what NOT to do the next time, thinking that you can do better next time and not bragging about your failure or success essentially gets you nowhere
3.1) Damage limitation exercise (for guys only)
Okay the picture is a little confusing, for someone that sees it the first time, the black line is the friend line, at stage 1 and 2 you are behind the black line. At stage 3, you are ON the line, either you get the girl or you dont. IF IF IF you go pass that line, you are in the Pet Bro or Sister or Best Friends Forever border (like the picture says). In other words, you are SO far up your ass you can feel your hair on your throat. If you get tossed in that border, NEVER liking the girl before..its okay, but if you get tossed in and you DID hit on the girl..OH NO!!
So the lesson to be learnt here, if you do get burned, pack your bags and move on, persistence only works 1/3 of the time the other 2/3 of the time you get tossed into a dark dark zone..so limit your damage, as though getting burned is not damaging enough getting toss pass the border is the major burn!
4) Good Job!!

And so the new couple will look good for some time to come.......................
4.1) Good Job!! (When the girl shows herself to YOUR door step)

On very rare occasions, you get the girl doing all the chasing. And like the picture depicts, the scenario becomes like that, guys testicals will feel as huge and heavy as bowling balls. We will be so full of ourself at this stage. I will stop here and let you all imagine how is it like..cause I know exactly what the guys are thinking now.
5) After stage 4 (6 months later...)

Okay the model getting sit on is called Zaku, in the Gundam world, they are there just to die, they are just there to be destroyed by the nicer Gundams. After 6 months most of the guys end up like Zaku, there to die and be destroyed. So after the looking good next to each other part. When they girl shows their true colours..or rather when both start showing the shitty side of each other.
Things aren't so bright and nice anymore. BUT no matter how shitty and fucked up the situation is..Musha (girl) always comes up on top, where the guys testicals is grabbed by the girl on a daily basis. A famous chinese saying "girl sitting on the guys head" it happens on almost 70% of the relationships. :D
At this point also, the girl's rank is upgraded to BOSS and not girlfriend anymore. The things the guy say to turn people down will turn from.."GF don't let" to "Boss don't let la.." "Boss Angry.." "Boss just owned my ass.." "boss boss bossss"
The End
Shin Musha Gundam
Astray Red Frame
CrossBone Ver. Ka
Zaku SD
Jan (for the ugly ass Damage Limitation picture)
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