Sunday, September 28, 2008

Eighteenth Post!!

Things Guy wish a girl will know..

I am sure there are some things a girl wishes a guy will know too..but this is MY topic live with it

1) Stop thinking so far ahead..
Had a conversation about this not long ago with my best friend, we had such a good laugh about it. Was telling him about how I get burned by girls because of my race. My best friend laughed and said "Nothing happened yet..and they are already thinking of needing to convert...and there they go thinking dating a guy with of the same race guarantee a spot on the alter for them.." Personally, I don't really like to think further than the next hour..cause I dont know if I will be alive then..

2) We know you do ALOT for us..
We know..

3) If you are not THE ONE, you are not going to the alter with us..

4) Things that were said before only have validity of 3 seconds/minutes/hours/days/months..
Don't use things that were said before to get back at us..words are only words..always will..always be..

5) Just because you all don't have true friends, that doesn't mean we dont have one..
Tradisionally, guys will always have a group they will stick might be a colourful bunch in terms of personality, BUT WE ARE LOYAL TO EACH OTHER, WE HAVE A THING CALLED THE DUDE'S CODE, a group of girls will compete with each other for attention, bitch about each other..that is why a group of girls can never work together. So don't blame us sometimes if we take off because we need to aid a friend or wanna hang out..

6) No, we don't give a shit about your day..
Really we don't =_=

7) We like challanges, but when you are saying and doing things just to see how into you we are..we dont like it..AT ALL (only applies at the going after stage)
Make it hard..but not ridiculous..

8) Be more sensitive sometimes..
Use your fucking brains when you all talk sometimes..just because we brush alot of things off, doesn't mean we don't have any feelings inside.

9) Know what you want please..
Guys have always been criticise for not being sensitive enough..but when we are..we are a wtf you all want?? we switching between those 2 according to your preference??

10) Stop asking us if you are fat..
That is one stupid question that you all use just as a reason to get mad at us cause YOU think we are lying, even if we told you the truth..we still get in trouble..

11) Stop fishing us to ask a question..
Really..we dont appreciate it at next time..just ask us a question..and not leave a hanging statement..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I TAG you