Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Drunk Hoff

The Hoffman said this back in 2007 after falling off the wagon

Despite that I have been going through a painful divorce and I have recently been separated from my children due to my work, I have been successfully dealing with my issues. Unfortunately, one evening I did have a brief relapse, but part of recovery is relapse. Because of my honest and positive relationship with my daughters, who were concerned for my wellbeing, there was a tape made that night to show me what I was like. I have seen the tape. I have learned from it and I am back on my game.

The tape... is quite the disaster... as you will see here

Speaking of alcohol problems, his history isn't very sober either (info taken from
  • David checked himself into the Betty Ford Clinic for alcohol-related problems in 2002.
  • Viewers were shocked by David’s strange antics on a UK breakfast show in October 2006. David denies he was drunk during the interview in which he attempted to charm the host, Jennie Falconer, before performing a hip-thrusting dance routine to his new song and falling asleep during an ad break
  • In May 2007, David was forced to admit he had fallen off the wagon, after video footage of him rolling around the floor drunk was released to the media. David’s 16-year-old daughter filmed the scene, telling her father off for going back to drinking
  • In October 2007, David relapsed once again but was fortunate enough to realize he needed assistance and checked in to hospital.

All hail the Hoffman. Burp.

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