I got this message from a friend yesterday..lets call him 'P' he pasted something another fren wrote..lets call him 'S'
S "Taylor Hicks is so hawt.."
Please bear in mind that 'S' is a guy..and just incase there are some blur people hawt = hot

I am not so sure if that picture of him holding that Jonas Brothers thing is real OR not, but what 'S' wanted to say is this..
"Taylor SWIFT is so hawt" but instead he miraculously typed out HICKS, put into context how those 2 words are spelt..S.W.I.F.T & H.I.C.K.S..there are only 2 letters in common, which is 'I' and 'S'....so I really dont know how he got it wrong..

I dont know how much Photoshop, contributed to her hot-ness in this picture, but she is VERY pretty..not to mention she is a blonde..(I am a sucker for REAL blondes). I might be wrong but I think when you need to Photoshop someone that is already so pretty, you dont need to Photoshop ALOT..as compared to this......

...ALOT more effort is required..and the photo editor will not be all that happy to do up HIS face..but still they gotta do it..since its their job and all..if i am the boss..and I ask him to make a pile of dog poo into a peacock..he/she gotta do it..But just take a look at how 'S' edited an ALREADY Photoshop-ed picture of Taylor Hicks

I guess 'S' must have had a BIG BIG closet moment during season 5 of American Idol, considering there was Elliot Yamin and Chris Daughtry there..not to mention Katharine McPhee (but since its a BIG BIG closet moment) so Taylor Hicks it is....
I am not a real big fan of him, so I will go on trashing about him...he is 32..and he looks 52, he is a marketers nightmare...so it makes me wonder how he won it instead of Katharine McPhee, which is 24..HOT and NOT hard to market..just need to show more skin..to sell her albums like hot cakes..
Take a look at this...
The video that Jewel was not such a jewel anymore.....and it worked wonders for her....ANYWAYS....back to the Taylors..
How can ANYONE mistake Taylor Swift for that LOSER Hicks..HOW HOW???

I really wonder how she will feel if she finds out 'S' actually mis-spelt her name for Taylor Hicks' name...I wonder if she would have been offended.....
Imagine if you are thinking of the girl and you called her by the wrong name..and a dude's name!

*tear drops on her guitar*
*There are people that can misplace hotness and call her Taylor Hicks*
1 comment:
Meat market!
you wanker, you probably spontaneously ejaculate a little in your pants everytime you see a beautiful woman.
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