Friday, January 30, 2009

40th Post!!

Over the years profesional wrestling has always been dubbed stupid and fake..well honestly I don't deny its rather stupid and fake.
WWE was the place few of the most recogniseable faces was born, I don't deny that those recogniseable faces were lucky to be given the push needed to shoot themself to stardome.

Here are the 2 of most famous WWE Super Stars

The Rock

Stone Cold Steve Austin
When I was still watching the WWE programs (Raw and SmackDown), I have no doubt that I was a very big fan of these 2 anti heroes, they are fucked up to ALL but you got no choice but to like them.
WWE is the most recognised name in the wrestling circle, not only did they entertained us, WWE actually showed us that whatever those fella does in the might be fake but its no laughing matter. It requires alot of skill to fall down on your back a million times and take the pain.
This is what happens when wrestling goes wrong..

The last incident..gave me goosebumps..

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