Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
49th Post!!

Its fair to say that all Malaysian dread for the moment he opens his mouth as all you will hear is shit or shit or shit or SHIT..or SHIT or nonsense that don't make sense, I only remember agreeing with him for the rest of the time..I was hoping that John Dykes will take a gun out and blow his head away.
This would be a few facts of Shebby 'The Man' Singh..
1) He won EVERY domestic honour there are to win for a Malaysian footballer, he is also a South East Asian Games gold medalist for class of 1989
2) His real name is Serbgeth Singh
3) He is a cock fuck pundit on ESPN
4) He always ALWAYS say "John"
5) Whole of Malaysia thinks he is an idiot, though the idiocy Jamie Reeves, Paul Masefield and the rest of people there are always up for debate, but he (Shebby) is the biggest IDIOT.
I never intended a post dedicated to talking about an idiot like him, but he wrote an article about Rafa Benitez on that really ticked me off.
On the day Liverpool lost 1-3 at Anfield to the Roman Blues, I gotta admit it was hard to swallow, we conceded 2 stupid goals, scored by the same idiot. It was painful to see, but here is my take on the game..Liverpool had an off day..and only the back 5 were playing football, there rest of the team weren't...and this is Shebby 'The Man' Singh's take..
He said Rafa's zonal marking failed, and its a defensive style for noobs,
Liverpool conceded 21 goals in 32 games.
Spurs conceded 36 goals in 32 games.
I guess whatever way Spurs is defending with gotta be more effective than Liverpool cause they conceded 15 goals more
He said he is not sure if Rafa is a top coach or a fat Spanish waiter
Rafa Benitez:
2 La Liga
1 Uefa Cup
1 Champions Leage
1 Fa Cup
Shebby Singh:
Coach of MY Team (Reality TV) and got nothing
You see Shebby..even if I were to put Rafa's worst achievement (Tenerife Promotion to LaLiga) up football coaching career couldn't even match it.
And since you are so verbal of your attack on Rafa then please let me add..not being racist but if he can go on saying 'is Rafa a top coach or a Fat Spanish Waiter'..then I will say, 'Is Shebby a pundit or a Stupid Punjabi Pundit.'
Here are some of his most famous Live TV moments;
1) Gerrard best position for England is Right Back
Sometimes I truly believe that ESPN script you to be the one getting the heat by the fans and fellow pundits..but if the program is not scripted, then you are the biggest fucking idiot in the world..Gerrard as right might as well say that David James' best position is to be a striker cause he is strong and Peter Crouch as a defender cause he is tall. Fucking idiot.
2) Half time and Full time at 2005 Champions League (Liverpool down 3-0 and Liverpool winning the the CL later..)
The Idiot talk ALL sort of shit and smack about how big an idiot Liverpool is and when they won he is ALL praise for them for being unbelievable..I gotta admit I lose faith too when they were down 3-0, but talking about a team the manner in which you spoke about is just down right disrespectful..and how you turn the tides when they won it was just pure idiocy. Fucking idiot.
3) Praising Juande Ramos to take his beloved Spurs to the next leve and losing faith there after
All said up are a cock fuck.
4) Arguing with Steve McMahon
Both of you are shit, but you (Shebby) are shit-tier than him by virtue of being an idiot.
I am done ranting, but I think you should reconsider your job and move on to something that suits you more..talking shit and not offending people, you might do good as a stand up comedian..
Saturday, April 4, 2009
48th Post!!
ABC has came out with a few mega hit TV show over the past year, shows like Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and etc..glad and sadden to say this shows are still on going. Started off with a bang but its somewhat crappy now..especially the show really is LOST..
..and so in 2008, ABC picked up a pilot of Life On Mars, which of course used to be a hit British TV series..much like NBC's The Office.
The show stars Jason O'Mara, Harvey Keitel and the former New Jersey DiMeo family mobster Michael Imperiolli..its a shame that the show only made it for one season due to the lack of viewers, but then can you determined the "no" viewers based on some research company basing it on a few thousand fellas (although they do it very frequently..I still think its crap)
The show wrapped up after 17 episodes very cleanly and neat according to an atricle I read online..This show is memorable for alot of funny reasons..they came out with jokes like this
How do you know that Jesus is black??
'He likes the cosmic..he calls everybody brada..and even he couldn't get a fair trial'
Hunt "You couldn't find sand even if you slid off a camel"
Carling "I will crawl through half a mile of broken glass just to kiss the last man who sucked her toes"
Pretty damn impressive jokes for a drama..
its also a real shame that so many great shows limp or get cancelled because of bad ratings..just because an average American cant understand the joke or the concept; shows like
1) Arrested Development (Cancelled after 3 seasons of limping)
2) Scrubs (after limping on NBC season after season now in ABC for its final season)
3) 30 Rock (Lack of viewers every single episodes but sweeping TV awards like no tomorrow)
4) Life (great concept but lack viewers)
5) Life On Mars
6) Day Break (Cancelled)
7) The Inside
8) In Justice
I would prefer that any of this 8 shows survive than to see Meredith and McDreamy drama on Grey's anytime of the day, or how lost Lost is in translating the show to the viewers or how 4 almost 200 years old combined, housewives struggling with life, or how the flowchart in House works..
Patient get sick --> get sicker--> get better --> get seriously sick --> House come out with idea --> Patient is cured
..even if all this show actually do make it pass the 5 seasons many will be, Frasier, NYPD Blue, The Shield, Sopranos..maybe House will but the rest dont stand a fucking chance. So to my American friends...please get a little smarter and get shows like Heroes..and 4 camera comedy out of the TV screen and start being smarter by watching more single camera comedy..with no "HA HA HA HA" assist.